General Category > Invalid Carriages & other related conveyances

Update on my Invacar Model 70 - almost finished!

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So, I set myself a deadline of last Sunday 18 June to get my Model 70 finished. Pleased to say it made it and it's almost done. Still a few bits to find and things to do, but it's close.

Hopefully it will have an MOT this week. It failed last week, but only on a poor earth affecting the lights and a sticking rear brake cylinder. Not bad!

At the show it got lots of attention, mainly from kids who loved it and pointed out it had only 3 wheels, or anyone over 40 who hadn't seen one in years.

Best of all was a chap called Tony who came over and said he had butterflies when he saw it. Reason is he was a mechanic and fitter on them for many years near Croydon and he couldn't believe one was still going. Naturally I offered for him to sit in it and start it and it made his day and he shared a few stories with me. That alone made all the effort worthwhile.

Thought I'd share a few photos, and use this as an opportunity to thank everyone for their help from Stuart and Simon at the register for invaluable help with getting it identified, Barry for bits and advice, Jean for the original rear lights, the Hafliger Technik team for engine parts, Big Al for advice, plus fellow enthusiasts and owners Frazer and Scott for their help and advice.


More pics

And as of today it has a MOT.

One more back on the road!

I hope you are going to bring it to the Hammond Collection Gathering July28-30  ? Jean

Hello Neal,

It looks a fine job you have done there.  I'm at the other end of Kent (Ramsgate) and recently acquired my first Model 70.  It will need the shell sorting in time to look as good as yours though...!

Are you planning on showing the Invacar anywhere this year - would be worth traveling to take a look :-)



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