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Announcements / Closure of the Forum to new posts
« Last Post by Rusty Chrome (Malcolm Parker) on March 12, 2022, 07:17:46 pm »
For several years, the number of postings on the forum have dwindled along with the number of members visiting the forum, and the consequently the trustees of The Archive of Microcars/ RUMcars have now taken the decision to close this forum to any further posts. The forum will continue to remain online for the foreseeable future as a repository of microcar information until the information contained within can be adequately refined and condensed into a more accessible form.
RUMCar News / Re: Rumcar News Issue 149
« Last Post by Chris Thomas on January 24, 2022, 10:28:27 pm »
Dear Emma
Thank you for your comment. We have published issues 150 and 151 and the next one should be published in mid-March on schedule.
If you wish to subscribe to Rumcar News for 2022 you need to go to our web site at
There you need to choose your option, click on the yellow link which takes you to our Paypal page, where you can pay either by credit of debit card, or if you have a paypal account you can pay that way.
I hope that has been of assistance
Chris Thomas
Editor Rumcar News
RUMCar News / Re: Rumcar News Issue 149
« Last Post by EmmaMurphy1969 on January 24, 2022, 01:36:59 pm »
What happened to the next issue? I wanted to start buying one not too long ago. From what I can it's either discontinued or I don't know where to find it. I'd be grateful for some help here.
Microcar News / Re: Mini M2
« Last Post by MargaretDavis1997 on January 10, 2022, 08:40:08 am »
I'd say this could be a good choice. As a first vehicle it's even better that it's slow. We don't expect anything fast or high quality for that. It's a perfect go rounder to go to friends or do small shopping for a beginner.

Any updates about this project? I think we are all curious how is it going and have you already finished at least putting this new coat of paint! I have to say that this color makes this car look even more cute! I miss these kind of microcars  ;D
Unusual Microcar Discussion / Re: Machine Dating
« Last Post by Chris Thomas on August 25, 2021, 10:34:56 pm »
Dear OB1
Thank you for your reply and image
I think that we can assist you provided the engine size/power comes within our remit. There are a few vehicles that have a similar body, I just need to identify a few details with you first. Could you email me direct on so we can discuss this off line.
Chris Thomas
Hi Rettus!

Let me bump this thread a bit because I am very curious to see how your car has turned up. I love the color choice and would really like to see the whole thing painted. That must have been a lot of meticulous work but I bet it was worth it!
Unusual Microcar Discussion / Re: Tips to Maintain Your Second-Hand Car
« Last Post by HS1987 on August 11, 2021, 12:55:41 pm »
I also use these tips to keep good care of my car. What I also do, is that I charge the battery if I haven't used it for longer than a week. What else? I also keep the doors slightly open to make sure there's fresh airflow to keep humidity away. Of course I check tyre pressure once a while.
Unusual Microcar Discussion / Re: Machine Dating
« Last Post by OB1 on July 18, 2021, 12:11:20 pm »
Morning Chris,

Many thanks for your reply on my post regarding my issue trying to get my 2015 Mini jeep on the road. Applogies for missing your reply. I have an M.o.T and insurance, just failed at the last hurdle with the DVLA. They sent all my paperwork back asking that it would need an official owners  club to machine date it. The Many thanks in advance....
RUMCar News / Re: Rumcart News 149
« Last Post by Jean on June 08, 2021, 10:13:33 am »
I received my copy of RCN149yesterday afternoon and have given it a quick flick through.  As usual it has a good balance between the classic and new cars.  It is also good to see that Chris has received articles from several people both in Britain and abroad, which must make his job easier not having to fill so many spaces himself.  Thank you Chris for a job well done. Jean
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