Author Topic: Piaggio engines  (Read 4778 times)


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Piaggio engines
« on: December 15, 2007, 08:08:55 pm »
I'm looking around for a Piaggio Ape (not the big hairy type) the 3 wheeled type. I'm told that there is an 80cc version as well as the 50cc.

How in your remarkable microcar wisdom would anyone rate these little motors. I see a few in adverts on the telly. This to me, looks like they are ever more popular in the UK. But, we don't get the full picture of the mainland from here in the IoM.

Are there more about? Are they worth the money? Are they practical little motors for those small jobs that they are built for? And who's got the experience of one of these (what the hell was that) funny little motor passed me the other day. Oh is that what it was...............what are they like on petrol?

Bob Purton

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Re: Piaggio engines
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2007, 10:18:08 pm »
Hi Bambyman. A friend of mine bought one of these brand new about three months ago, he uses it for his window cleaning round. He got the ape 50cc version and soon realised that it just wasnt fast enough to pull out onto roundabouts and into the stream of traffic,it would only do 25mph, the dealership where he got it advised the 80cc upgrade conversion kit, they did it all for him and he says that it has transformed the little van and has made it much more practical, now it can keep up with the traffic now and go up hills at a reasonable speed ect. He is now very happy with it. Hope this helps.


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Re: Piaggio engines
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2007, 07:57:43 pm »
Thanks Mr. Bubble, i'd heard that the 80cc was really handy for any hills. So thats it confirmed then. I'm really itching to get one....wonder if I could source one in Liverpool. Would be so handy for the boat. Christmas Cheers to you, Kev


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Re: Piaggio engines
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2007, 08:04:51 pm »
look at for specs on all piaggio engines.

If you're just after an engine, look for the purejet as used on the Gillera runner amongst others.  It is a 50cc 2 stroke but with direct fuel injection for reliability and not burning 2 stroke oil.


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Re: Piaggio engines
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2007, 08:41:13 pm »
Sorry Smart51, the title is missleading. I am interested in the engine, but, really how efficient it is in the vehicle ie. the Ape. I have a piaggio scooter, it is just so relyable. First kick every time. Never even seen the spark plug and there's 5,000 miles on the clock. Never touched a thing on it in fact. Barr new tyres and speedo cable. So i was wondering about the Ape and could i rely on one.

Thanks for the link, I had seen the site before. Will get round to the in depth stuff one day. But, in the mean time. I just skim the surface. Thanks, Kev with the festive spirit. Cheers

guess the Ape would be handy for xmas prezzies