Ferdi, I know you are correct, its silly to say that Germans throw away everything old, as an antiques dealer with many customers from Germany I know that they collect almost as avidly as Englishman. Dan, whats your point, are you suggesting that people who look after their microcars and have the skill to restore them are all unfriendly and wont let anyone near there cars? Which messerschmitt owner was giving all and sundry rides out in his pristine schmitt at jeans open day last year? Was it not I? Despite the myth that is Cyphus dragging his great size eleven boot up the side panel whilst getting in, did I complain, no, its all in the spirit of microcaring! If someone acquires a car that is in good original condition there is a good case for leaving well alone [like your bikes Dan] but take my schmitt for example, I bought it dismantled in tea chests every panel was painted a different colour, some panels rusted through, are you suggesting that I should have assembled it, painted it as badly as possible, introduced some chips and cracks to it? A large amount of microcars on the road today have been restored from rusty wrecks, give me one good reason why there owners should not have restored them to as good as new. I know it is each to his own in these matters but in my view its got to be restored or left in good original condition all the cars in between deserve owners who would appreciate them a little more.