Don't worry folks, I am not going to chop up any classics! I am just "pondering". It seems to me we have already had two George Bush wars at least partly concerned with oil supply and it is becoming clear to me that oil and environment ARE becoming a serious concern, espcially to us in UK. Most of our oil has been sold to America at far less than a sensible price, and we no longer have the political or military power to "obtain" oil from other countries; it will start getting really expensive! I am seeing lots of Prius hybrid cars and others are on the way, and as they become more popular there could be a swing away from petrol within my driving lifetime, so I am just thinking to the future!
I drove a Gwiz at bromley Pageant last year, and it seemed ok, also spoke to a man visiting our yard in one which was a company car, sadly he was not very interested or interesting, so I did not learn anything about them from him. There are a fair number in London, but I do not know definitively how good they may be.
Driving my Trojan in London is fine, a lot of drivers are very obliging and considerate, in fact wildly enthusiastic when they encounter DUF, the usual scenario being that they start trying to cut me up like they cut everyone else up, then notice something really interesting and rapidly decide to temporarily forget their "how to be a bastard driver" rule book. I think busy towns are a good place for slower micros, because I rarely slow anyone down! I also cycle regularly, so no doubt I am clearly certifiable!
Jean, yes I would love a copy of that article! Definately "hope" to visit on Sunday 9th, probably about lunch time, with the clan, so if you have had a chance to copy it by then it will save you the postage!