Author Topic: RCN 100  (Read 5975 times)


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RCN 100
« on: October 17, 2008, 11:04:53 am »
  I Thought I would try to get this as a topic in its own right, because it has become buried in th Pathe Clips bit.  Tony and I are still keen for more ideas (and offers of help to bring them to fruition!) for both for the 100th edition and celebrations that could take place at the next Open Day. There is not very much time between now and either of these dates.  SO PLANNING SHOULD START NOW.  PLease air your views.  I am trying to arrange a Working Party at the Farm before Christmas to give things a kick start.  Bellow is what was posted previously in the other topic.
Posts: 204

      100th RUMCAR NEWS
« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2008, 06:51:51 PM »     

Quote from: Insight on October 04, 2008, 05:27:48 PM
Dear Stuart, Blob, and anybody else that is on line

I was not suggesting that we should design and build a car for £20.

What I was suggesting is that if somebody had a design for a new Microcar, Rumcar News could over 4 to 8 issues publish the plans showing it being built, similar to the rebuilding of the Gordon, to encourage the creative element of the membership.

At the same time it would be interesting to find and publish other Microcar designs that have been sold as a kit of plans for self builders, like those in Popular Mechanics. And finally there are the Kit cars that have been sold using Fiat 500 and Fiat 126 components, Citroen 2CV componenets and perhaps others.

Certainly for the 25 year celebration it would be perfect to see the Gordon finished, and if we can be of assistance to Bob then we should be proactive in making it happen, however the project is Bob's and therefore he should say what he needs help with.

For next summer I would like to see every member (our world wide members excused) bring along to the Hammond Open day at least one vehicle on the register to see if we can get 100 cars on display. They may not be runners, but would show the extent of the membership. Sponsorship from sombody like Eddy Stobart to transport those from far affield down to Staplehurst would help to ease the transportation difficulties (you can get a lot of microcars on an artic) and get along all the classic car magazine editors to report on the achievement.

Chris Thomas

Tony and I were extremely interested in the ideas put forward on the Forum and would like to see more.  If they could be kept under this topic Tony could then relay them to the readers of RUMCAR NEWS who do not have computers, and believe me there are quite a number.  Remember time is of the essence, it will not be that long before March 2009 (publication date for the 100th Edition) or for the next Open Day for that matter.    Remember too that we shall need YOUR help to put the ideas into practice.  Jean 
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Bob Purton

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Re: RCN 100
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2008, 01:22:39 pm »
Hi Jean. Do we have a date yet for the open day? We dont want it clashing with the fabulous East Anglian Club  Stonham barns rally! This bi annual rally is and has always been my favorite! We dont want loyalties strained if they ended up on the same weekend. Regards, Bob


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Re: RCN 100
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2008, 07:28:01 pm »
I hope to be able to confirm a date in the next RCN, but unless anyone has any reasons against I suggest 26th July is a good date.  Please make contact with me if this clashes with any important micro function.  Jean
Register of Unusual Microcars