Author Topic: Invalid carriage page  (Read 8957 times)

Dan Rodd

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Invalid carriage page
« on: December 11, 2005, 07:06:16 pm »
Hello all,

I was wondering if you guys could give me some feed back on the page that i can relay back to Stuart,
to see wether you find it interesting/boring/sick/informative etc.

I have advertised the register and Rumcars on the virtualgaz invacar site,
and i aim to tell as many sites etc about it! :)



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Re: Invalid carriage page
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2005, 10:28:31 pm »
 Hi Dan and Stuart,How can anyone say it's boring/sick to talk, write and show invalid carriages? I for one, didn't realize how many makes and types there were/are.† Let us not forget that they were designed for  folk who were injured in the wars and road accidents etc. all over the world. Independence for many. I'm sure many of our bubblecars and microcars evolved from them. If you look closely at the different designs, wonder at the ingenious workings to help their drivers independance. Boring and sick? I don't think so and I am looking forward to reading a copy of Stuart's book. Bob.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2005, 10:23:25 am by robadob »

Dan Rodd

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Re: Invalid carriage page
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2005, 08:00:11 pm »
Hi all, thanks for that Bob,

I do not find them sick or boring etc,im very much a fan of them,just some people in the club may have that view.

I find that especially the pale blue types really do set your mind straight back to a past period in time,as they are so of their
era,its a bit like watching one of those videos you can get of different towns that have old film through the last 50 years of them on,
they really do make me feel like im there,and wish i could be,and very often an inva crops up in them,know ive waffled on a bit,
but the world at the moment dosent seem to like the past,and the invas are a species from their eras that need to be protected!


Bob Purton

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Re: Invalid carriage page
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2006, 11:52:55 am »
Invalid cars sick & boring? Well we all have our own special interests and thats what makes the Rumcar circle of folk so enjoyable to be a part of. I agree with the last posting with regard to the fact that a great deal of ingenuity was use to get disabled people mobile and lessons were undoubtedly learned and used in developing other micros.This part of motoring history must be preserved although I must admit to being one of the people that do find an obsession with invalid carrages a little perverse but thats just my individual view, I dare say that others get tired of me banging on about Inters all the time. If an interest exists then it must be catered for in Rumcar news. The only time I ever got upset a little was when I recieved a copy of the mag that we had just asked to pay more money for and I found that its invalid carrage content had risen to fill a third of the pages.Thankfully for me the trend didnt continue. Good luck to all the inva followers out there! Im burning with anticipation to see this special inva event at the 2006 national
Wake me up when its over! Come on ,what say you others? {dont take offence, im just trying to spark some reaction from other readers!}
« Last Edit: January 23, 2006, 12:01:35 pm by bobbybubble »


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Re: Invalid carriage page
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2006, 12:59:54 pm »
Did you work out the price per page as a percentage of the price of Rum Car News ? Come on now! Have you written anything for Rum Car about your Inter, maybe ?
« Last Edit: January 23, 2006, 01:04:08 pm by robadob »

Bob Purton

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Re: Invalid carriage page
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2006, 10:17:21 pm »
I knew that would get a reaction! Dont take me too seriously, as I said already its each to his own. If you find them interesting then that great.Strangly enough I did buy one once myself, an AC acedese or something like that, it looked quite cute, like a miniture AC petite.Mechanicly quite crude though, I think the engine only drove one of the back wheels. It didnt do much for me so I moved it on to a guy who absolutely loved it! About your question of contributing articles on Inters, I think I must have bored the readers silly with my multipaged articles recounting the restoration of my first one, the one thats now in the Bruce Weiner collection. Dont you remember? You must be a new boy.I will right up the story of my latest one when its finished. Rob, ive just had a thought, I love my messerschmitt and they started out as invalid cars so they cant be all that bad!! Rob, Tell me more about your Flipper, I like that! Any chance of a drive? We will have to meet up at the next Rum meet or the national and have a cuppa and a jaw together. Keep those Invas rolling, Best wishes, Bob Purton.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2006, 10:23:46 pm by bobbybubble »


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Re: Invalid carriage page
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2006, 06:43:33 pm »
Hello Bob, You missed out on a ride last year at School House Farm. Hopefully, the Donky will be road registered this year and you can race up the road at a top speed of 28 mph with me. That's  if Jean is having another Open Day this year. I'm afraid I can never been serious in anything I do or see, it keeps me going. Love to have a chat and a cup of tea with you. As for being a 'new boy', I started in 1963/64 with restoring a 1954 Bond Mk C, Reliant Mk 2 tourer, Mk 3, Mk 6 among many,many 'normal' cars from the 1930s to 1960s. Then in 1974/5 I started my collection of eleven microcars,sadly now with other custodians. After a break of 26 years, in 2002, Jean got in touch to see if I would like to join Rum Cars for old time sake. Then I offered to restore the Gordon and then the rot set in. I now have two Flippers and various motorcycles. Best wishes Bob.  P.S.  Why is it that the 'lookers' don't put finger to keyboard and enter into the fray with us ?

Bob Purton

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Re: Invalid carriage page
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2006, 08:05:28 pm »
Hi Rob. Thanks for the reply. Sorry I didnt make it to the farm back in 2005 but it clashed with a bike event that I didnt want to miss, I was there the year before with my wife in her little blue microcar Virgo, you may remember it. Now you have mentioned the Gordon I think I can put a face to the name.No offence ment by wondering if you were a new boy, I couldnt understand why you didnt remember all the stuff I had contributed to Rumcar news but the 25 year gap explains it.  :)It was much the same for me, I started with an Isetta in 1972, went on to reliants till passing the car test and didnt get back into the microscene until 1994 when I bought a Nobel. Im looking forward to a Donkey ride if Jean agrees to a summer meet again this year.{ Im having trouble putting my views across on the forum without upsetting people, Still, why break the habit of a life time!} :) Best wishes Bob

Stuart Cyphus

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Re: Invalid carriage page
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2006, 09:51:21 am »
The Invalid Carriage Register; Love it or hate it, you certainly can't ignore it!  ;D

Dan Rodd

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Re: Invalid carriage page
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2006, 09:26:36 pm »
We do our best though.

Stuart Cyphus

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Re: Invalid carriage page
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2006, 12:43:21 pm »
Theres got to be a really good reply to that, but I can't think of one at the moment! :-*


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Re: Invalid carriage page
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2007, 03:27:34 pm »
Can anyone give me any details of the Tritox Rosetta? I understand they were built pre WW2 in Trowbridge, Wilts, therafter in Bristol. The brother of a friend has restored one.

Many thanks.

Stuart Cyphus

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Re: Invalid carriage page
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2007, 03:59:54 pm »
This would be the Chris Warrick Trilox Rollsette. Situation already delt with.  :-*