Hi Chris and others. I had a look at the 1936 DIY car and found it fascinating but also concluded it looks nothing like the flying flea. There were a few vintage micro's that were sold in kit form, notably the Opperman Unicar and there were others but do the plans still exist? I for one would love to see them. I agree that something special should be done in the run up to the 100th but would featuring someone building a modern small engined kit car be within keeping of the original purpose of RUMcars? Which is and I quote "exists purely to maintain records of the existence of these rare little machines and to encourage their preservation and restoration." After all there are scores of kit car magazines that cater for that. (just my opinion, I know that Chris, the main promoter of the modern stuff will disagree!] Thats why I plum for Stuarts idea about getting the Gordon finished. Instead of a work party at the farm how about one at Robs place, someone who can weld etc? Now here is my idea of something special for the 100th celebration, I get a bit tired hearing of all the rare microcars that are in peoples collections, many are nonrunners, many unregistered and are never seen let alone driven, surely the true spirit of rum cars could be expressed by a road run of all the rarest cars with the less rare following up behind. There are cars like Rollera's, Spatz,Tourettes, Peels, Brutche, BMA's, Unicar, BSA Ladybird, Bonollack Minnow, Rolux, you name it all tucked away in collections in this country that no one ever sees, how about a huge push to get these out, registered, running, and out on a road run from Hawkenbury, once around Staplehurst and back again, a very short run but what a sight that would be! What a photo opportunity! Imagine the smoke alone! Even the electric cars would have the range. What do you think?