Author Topic: Microcars discovered on the Pathe Archive  (Read 160938 times)


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Microcars discovered on the Pathe Archive
« on: May 11, 2008, 09:10:12 pm »
A good cure for insomnia, become obsessed with finding vintage microcar footage on the Pathe film archive, Astra, New Map coupe, Rytecrafts, Nobel Sporty and more conveyances than Stuart can shake a stick at, plus oddities I've not seen before. Looking for more though I think I've exhausted most searches by now.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2009, 06:33:35 pm by blob »


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Re: Microcars discovered on the Pathe Archive
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2008, 04:08:35 am »
These are some great flicks Blob.
You did a remarkable job in finding them. I keep looking to see if I can find some with any of my number plates but haven't as yet. Could've sworn I saw Stuart there, but he would not have been even a twinkle in his daddy's eye then. Most likely his father was not even a twinkle in his daddy's eye. ;) Great job, keep it up. These give hours of pleasure.
AC, Acoma, Argsons, Arola, Batricars, Bianchina, Carter, Citroens, Cushmans, Dafs, ElectricPal, ElectricShopper, Elswick, Eshelman, Everest, Goggo, Harding, Invacar, Levesons, Lloyd, Marketeer, Model 70's (AC, Invacar), Nelcos, Poirier, Reliants, Renaults, Sinclairs,Trabant, Trilox, Tippen etal


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Re: Microcars discovered on the Pathe Archive
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2008, 09:00:56 am »
Cheers cuscus47, pity there's a loss of quality with these Pathe previews, but to buy them would be expensive. I still have the links to the films I've downloaded, if anyone wants to download them for themselves, because photobucket compresses them further. My favorites are the Nobel Sporty and the Collier Chariot. I'm pretty certain the film I've labeled as 'Unknown? 4' is a Boitel, like the one pictured Pg18 of Jan de Langes Microcar stories.
:D Incidentally, I've uploaded more invalid footage and some number plates are clearly visible.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2008, 06:37:26 pm by blob »


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Re: Microcars discovered on the Pathe Archive
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2008, 08:21:17 am »
Hi Blob
          I just love the Nobel Vicky "sporty", Nobel had a place just around the corner, that is why glamourous girls features in all of his adverts - (the heinkel advert with the show girls in and I think Sabrina) . I have noticed that the Nobel Vickey is LHD maybe it was a forunner of the !00 he produces here - My one is RHD one of only two surviving the other's were sent abroad to a holiday camp - where is it? I dont know but a report in one of the motorcycling mags said South Africa!!

 Keep up the good work.


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Re: Microcars discovered on the Pathe Archive
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2008, 11:04:07 am »
Hi Mike,I reckon you're right about it being a forerunner, as regular Nobel literature always featured Fuldamobil S7's or at least cars with German bodies, after seeing this footage I do regret not bidding on the one Andy bought, though there are some photos of one found in the US on Yahoo: (you'll need to sign up though).
« Last Edit: May 15, 2008, 08:38:12 am by blob »

Stuart Cyphus

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Re: Microcars discovered on the Pathe Archive
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2008, 09:29:32 pm »
These are some great flicks Blob.  You did a remarkable job in finding them.  I keep looking to see if I can find some with any of my number plates but haven't as yet.  Could've sworn I saw Stuart there, but he would not have been even a twinkle in his daddy's eye then.  Most likely his father was not even a twinkle in his daddy's eye.   ;)   Great job, keep it up. These give hours of pleasure.

 Oh how I wish I had been there at some of those do's! All the big rallys are varous Invalid Tricycle Association anual rallys from about 1948 - 1960 or so and several very well-known names in the field of invalid three-wheelers can be seen flitting by. O.A (Denny) Denly, founder of the ITA/DDA features strongly in several of the films. He was the man who went over the Alps by Argson in 1947. I've actully had the honour of meeting him two years ago and he's still going strong. In fact, last I heard, he's writing his autobiogaphy.

 Of the vehicles themselves, these rallies regularly used to attract some 200-250 tricycles. Nowadays that's about the total sum of known surviving examples. In one film the Dingwall Midget Car bumbles by, whilst in a later film, a Barrett Minor passes by. Sadly the Barrett Minor is now concidered extinct. There did used to be roumers of one in South Africa, but alas the trail has gone cold.  All those Invacar Mk 10's. 1,003 were produced in total but where oh where are they all today? Sadly another model belived extinct until proved otherwise.  If I had been at any of these rallys, I wouldn't rest untill every single one had paraded before the camera, alas I'm about 55 years too late. Dad was also too late as well for most of these, not being born til 1954...

 Blob also found a film of the Colliday Chariot. (A vehicle wich also has been refered to as the Colicar) I've got about a third of this film from other sources but the cars of Bob Collier produced in Birmingham between the mid 1960s & the early 1970s truely facinate me in much the same way as the creations of Russel Winn and I would dearly love to do the article on them. Has anyone got any details or any form of leads on them and him whatsoever?

 Then Blob also found the Sid Jones spinal carrage. This was a mindboggling vehicle and roumers persisted for years that its still in existance somewhere on the south coast. I still haven't ran it to ground yet but I'm still hunting......


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Re: Microcars discovered on the Pathe Archive
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2008, 08:35:16 am »
As so many have asked for the links to the films I've downloaded, I figured I'd post them here to save emailing everyone. Each minute of the original film can be previewed at a rate of up to one still image per second, by using the options in the relevant Pop Up window. You can then preview a particular still by clicking on it. If you want to save this image "right click" on it and follow the instructions. This window gives you the option to purchase a "clean" higher resolution copy.
You can purchase a higher resolution movie by changing the 'free preview' to 'presentation' then add to 'basket', in the link window, then go back to and view the 'basket' which will tell you the price involved. To extend the reproduction rights an additional licence must be agreed with ITN Source.

« Last Edit: November 13, 2008, 09:59:20 am by blob »


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Re: Microcars discovered on the Pathe Archive
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2008, 12:18:02 pm »
Just when I thought there were no more microcar films to be found I spotted this one: aptly named the Flying Flea,

Bob Purton

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Re: Microcars discovered on the Pathe Archive
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2008, 02:12:24 pm »
Thats a good clip Mike! It looks uncannily like a Rolux baby to me! Never heard of The flying flea car but the DIY airplane by the same name is well documented mainly for all the poor souls that it killed!

Chris Thomas

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Re: Microcars discovered on the Pathe Archive
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2008, 02:35:07 pm »
Dear Bob and Blob  (that sounds like Bill and Ben speak)

The Flying Flea self build aeroplane was a designed promoted in Newnes Practical Mechanics magazine of 1935. In 1936 they did a design for a £20 car which looks very similar to the one in the news clip. The only difference being that in the film clip it has four wheels rather than the £20 car having three.

The design was layed out over four monthly editions and was mostly constructed of timber as can be seen on this web site,710&sigr=10p67gjkv&sigi=117v6cped&sigb=1399dpsdd

Perhaps we should do the same thing in Rumcar News!!!

Chris Thomas

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Re: Microcars discovered on the Pathe Archive
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2008, 03:13:37 pm »
Dear Blob and Bob ( sounds like a boy scout fund raising event)

I agree it does look a bit like a Rolex but I think not close enough. Also having looked at the £20 car and the Midget car in Practical Mechanics of 1936 I can say it is not one of those either. So what is it. Does Marshall Tony know the answer?

Chris Thomas


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Re: Microcars discovered on the Pathe Archive
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2008, 03:18:16 pm »
Perhaps we should do the same thing in Rumcar News!!!
Chris, that's a great idea for the 100th edition of RCN.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2008, 03:28:26 pm by blob »

Stuart Cyphus

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Re: Microcars discovered on the Pathe Archive
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2008, 03:47:55 pm »
Perhaps we should do the same thing in Rumcar News!!!
Chris, that's a great idea for the 100th edition of RCN.

 Hmmm, build a new micro costing no less than £20 in time for the 100th issue & then present it to the Hammond Collection at Jean's Open Day? Sounds like one way of celebrating 100 issues & 25 years of....   ;D

 Or, we could all club together & help Bob Dobie get the Gordon finished in time? For after all, does that car not sum up the whole spirit and intent of Edwin Hammond & the RUM...... 

Chris Thomas

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Re: Microcars discovered on the Pathe Archive
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2008, 05:27:48 pm »
Dear Stuart, Blob, and anybody else that is on line

I was not suggesting that we should design and build a car for £20.

What I was suggesting is that if somebody had a design for a new Microcar, Rumcar News could over 4 to 8 issues publish the plans showing it being built, similar to the rebuilding of the Gordon, to encourage the creative element of the membership.

At the same time it would be interesting to find and publish other Microcar designs that have been sold as a kit of plans for self builders, like those in Popular Mechanics. And finally there are the Kit cars that have been sold using Fiat 500 and Fiat 126 components, Citroen 2CV componenets and perhaps others.

Certainly for the 25 year celebration it would be perfect to see the Gordon finished, and if we can be of assistance to Bob then we should be proactive in making it happen, however the project is Bob's and therefore he should say what he needs help with.

For next summer I would like to see every member (our world wide members excused) bring along to the Hammond Open day at least one vehicle on the register to see if we can get 100 cars on display. They may not be runners, but would show the extent of the membership. Sponsorship from sombody like Eddy Stobart to transport those from far affield down to Staplehurst would help to ease the transportation difficulties (you can get a lot of microcars on an artic) and get along all the classic car magazine editors to report on the achievement.

Chris Thomas

Bob Purton

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Re: Microcars discovered on the Pathe Archive
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2008, 06:55:59 pm »
Hi Chris and others. I had a look at the 1936 DIY car and found it fascinating but also concluded it looks nothing like the flying flea. There were a few vintage micro's that were sold in kit form, notably the Opperman Unicar and there were others but do the plans still exist? I for one would love to see them.  I agree that something special should be done in the run up to the 100th but would featuring someone building a modern small engined kit car be within keeping of the original purpose of RUMcars? Which is and I quote "exists purely to maintain records of the existence of these rare little machines and to encourage their preservation and restoration." After all there are scores of kit car magazines that cater for that. (just my opinion, I know that Chris, the main promoter of the modern stuff will disagree!] Thats why I plum for Stuarts idea about getting the Gordon finished. Instead of a work party at the farm how about one at Robs place, someone who can weld etc? Now here is my idea of something special for the 100th celebration, I get a bit tired hearing of all the rare microcars that are in peoples collections, many are nonrunners, many unregistered and are never seen let alone driven, surely the true spirit of rum cars could be expressed by a road run of all the rarest cars with the less rare following up behind. There are cars like Rollera's, Spatz,Tourettes, Peels, Brutche, BMA's, Unicar, BSA Ladybird, Bonollack Minnow, Rolux,  you name it all tucked away in collections in this country that no one ever sees, how about a huge push to get these out, registered, running, and out on a road run from Hawkenbury, once around Staplehurst and back again, a very short run but what a sight that would be! What a photo opportunity! Imagine the smoke alone! Even the electric cars would have the range. What do you think?
« Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 08:56:39 am by Bob Purton »