Author Topic: French Micro Meet  (Read 7197 times)


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French Micro Meet
« on: July 18, 2008, 07:34:34 am »

I found this on French Ebay, thinking it was a car for sale.

Turns out to be a microcar rally 100KM north of Paris

Some interesting cars should be there :-

I am the Rhonson Socotri, I will be present at Gratibus September 7 come join me!
(I seek news on the socotri)

Rally of microcars, tricycles, scooters etc.

A rally organized by a passionate

Home friendly and convivial atmosphere



On September 7, 2008




100 km north of Paris

  150 Km Lille

7 Km from Montdidier


Flea and scholarship auto and motorcycle parts (free)

The early morning walk

Afternoon Expo

1 meal offered per vehicle (2 eme to 12 €)

No fee


Organization: (for collection) Herve Caffier committee for the holidays


37 rue de l church 80500 Gratibus

Tel 03 22 78 10 95 evening after 20 hours 30 or 06 75 01 34 15 Fax 03 22 78 89 99

Mail herve.caffier.80 @ @ or cf.gratibus



List of vehicles already registered


Triporteur: Peugeot, Paul Valley, Mokuli, Monark ....


Tricycle: Poirier (several models) Rhonson So sorting Sinclair co ....


Microcars: Bond, Berkeley ....

Heinkel Kabine, Cursor

Chris Thomas

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Re: French Micro Meet
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2008, 08:38:51 am »
Dear John

Thank you for bringing this Micro Meet at Gratibus to our attention.

As I will be heading for Dunkerque from Reims on Sunday 7th Sept it looks as if I will have no excuse but to visit the Micro Meet and compare it with the French National Bubblecar and Scooter Rally. I will just have to book a later ferry!!!! Ho Hum

Well spotted. Any other takers.

Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas

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Re: French Micro Meet
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2008, 04:28:49 pm »
Dear John

I have just returned from my Road trip across France and on the way back I found the village of Gratibus and attended their event.

The vehicles that were on show were mostly Triporters and Poirier's with 1 Berkley T60, 1 Isetta, 1 Bond, 1 Tomcar, 1 Socotri Rhonson 1 Mochet, and an 1100cc D'yrsan, a total of 20 vehicles in all. The rest of the event was a glorified car boot sale, but at least it was free. It is a shame that some of them had not come to the National event a week earlier.

The French seem to like their old cars and motorcycles, but seem reluctant to go to rallies.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Chris Thomas