Hi folks
Just back from a few days in France with the NACC Irregulars on a rally up near the Belgian border.
A great time was had by all despite the bloody a wful weather. One of the highlights for me was
driving a Mini Comtesse in Sars Poteries. The owner, Sylvie Bre, won a prize for driving the course
in it.
Her partner has a Bond, formerly registered UCH 668, with a trick hard top operated by a home-made
system of pulleys and cables. There are also spring-loaded plywood panels in the wings, presumably
in an effort to cut down the vibrations.
Michel would like to know more about the machine's history and if any former owners are out there
perhaps they'd like to contact me? nick_devonport@hotmail.com will find me. I think that one owner
was a guy called Keith from Mansfield - I've forgotten his surname in what we'll put down to a senior
I hope that between us we can fill in some of the gaps in the car's history.
Nick D.