Author Topic: Repairing Schmitt Handlebars  (Read 2819 times)


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Repairing Schmitt Handlebars
« on: August 21, 2008, 12:56:03 pm »
As topic...anyone repaired cracks in Schmitt handlebars? Whats the best method and materials to use?

Cream Mk1 Scootacar

Bob Purton

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Re: Repairing Schmitt Handlebars
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2008, 03:27:06 pm »
I repaired my schmitt bars about eight years ago and they have held up very well. I followed instruction found in an old kabinews. Basicly you cut out material along all the cracks with an angle grinder or other suitable tool to the width of about eight millimeters, also drill some holes into the side walls of the slots you have made to give extra bonding and then fill with PC.7 epoxy 2 pack putty, its an excellent product that is strong but still leaves a tiny amount of frexability. Fill proud, sand down when set and paint. Bob's your uncle! I bought the PC7 from T.S. Eastwood Restoration products 0117 9352429. Not sure if this is there current number but if you google them you will find them. Regards, Bob