Author Topic: Bubble Car Museum for Sale  (Read 7315 times)


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Bubble Car Museum for Sale
« on: September 24, 2008, 07:00:03 pm »
See for links to the auction and details

Jim Janecek

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Re: Bubble Car Museum for Sale
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2008, 08:16:13 pm »
so I guess that "rumour" that was floating around 6 months ago was true then.


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Re: Bubble Car Museum for Sale
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2008, 08:53:35 pm »
Not that old chestnut again. Wish people would get their facts right.  ::)


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Re: Bubble Car Museum for Sale
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2008, 08:59:27 pm »
I've just taken a phone call from Jeff Ellis, the Bug Club chairman and we can confirm that the Museum is NOT closing at all.  Jeff posted on another site 'I have just phone Mike Cooper at the Museum and he as told me he is not selling up BUT they are having a auction to sell some bits off so they can revamp the museum. They will open next year but a bit later then normal.

I would like to apologise to Mike and Paula Cooper for any misunderstanding in posting this information.


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Re: Bubble Car Museum for Sale
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2008, 09:15:13 pm »
Hi All

I'm realy glad the museum will be reopening after works.  ;)

Having just sold the heinkel I may be looking for something else.

Shame it's so far away from Bournemouth.  :-\

Heinkel Kabine, Cursor

Jim Janecek

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Re: Bubble Car Museum for Sale
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2008, 10:12:42 pm »
I would like to apologise to Mike and Paula Cooper for any misunderstanding in posting this information.

I think given the circumstances, THEY should put "something" on their website or in the notice that is a disclaimer that says "Bubblecar Museum NOT For Sale".

for anyone who has not been there, it sure looks like the Bubblecar Museum is For Sale.
Right at the top of the Auction Listing it says "MUSEUM SALE OF....."

and there is loads of stuff.

Jim Janecek

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Re: Bubble Car Museum for Sale
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2008, 02:55:10 pm »
This is an official statement just sent out from the people at the BubbleCar Museum:

I  was going to entitle this piece ‘You lose the will to breathe’ but I am calm, really calm. 
I have just taken a strip off Practical Classics magazine for perpetrating the legend that the Bubblecar Museum is closing.

Well yes we are, as we always do at the end of the season, and we shall be opening again.
We have investigated moving the entire operation but at this stage that is not happening.

Numerous people have taken it upon themselves to issue bulletins about the Museum, notably a pilgrim who hid behind the name KR200 on the Rumcar Forum and who apparently caused grief for others as well as us. Fortunately he was unmasked by the web manager. Forums often seem to cause trouble, Jack Dee, the comedian said ‘You’re not surfing hyperspace – you’re typing in your bedroom loser’, and that is so true !  The anonymity some forums  allow lets petty spite loose.

The simple fact is that the Bubblecar Museum has now achieved Charity status, this means we can alter things in a very positive way. We shall be refitting over the closed season and concentrating more on the Best of British and rather less on foreign cars. 

We decided to have an auction to unload cars, spares and items we no longer need. Others have entered items to sell and we hope to turn this into an annual event, we have negotiated what we think is a great deal with Goldings the auctioneers. We have watched micro items and cars go in odd ways on Ebay and we thought a traditional auction may be a better way. There has been huge interest.

Over the Winter we are working on a Bubblecar Museum book and new dioramas in the Museum to add artefacts, archive and interest to the cars displayed.
So that’s the facts folks. Your heard it from us, if not first, at least with some accuracy.
Look forward to seeing you at the auction and more importantly at the Halloween Rally in November.

-The Bubblecar Museum


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Re: Bubble Car Museum for Sale
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2008, 08:39:30 pm »
It makes me think what would have happened if I hadn't posted the details in the first place...


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Re: Bubble Car Museum for Sale
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2008, 09:12:58 pm »
Absolutely nothing and people would have been happier!