« Reply #40 on: March 19, 2015, 07:11:42 am »
Stuart very quick to show the wheelchair motoring along , but shortly after was seen being rescued by Mike Shepherd after the battery gave up
I really do not understand this photo or the comment. Is it pertinent to Stuart, Mike or the Wrigley? Can someone explain?
There are quite a few similar IC's to the Wrigley, such as the AC Epic , many Meyra's, the Custer Chair, Voltman E100, Stevens, and Elka. Electric as well as petrol.
AC, Acoma, Argsons, Arola, Batricars, Bianchina, Carter, Citroens, Cushmans, Dafs, ElectricPal, ElectricShopper, Elswick, Eshelman, Everest, Goggo, Harding, Invacar, Levesons, Lloyd, Marketeer, Model 70's (AC, Invacar), Nelcos, Poirier, Reliants, Renaults, Sinclairs,Trabant, Trilox, Tippen etal