.Enjoyed the very late night beer drinking too ...even after the bar closed

Ah yes, such were the high jinks that developed after dark following an unholy hook-up of the combined might of the Peel Mafia & the ICR...

Just remember though Peel fans, the ICR holds the incriminating blackmailable photos of just WHO was raiding the bar....
It's now late Monday night & the photos of the weekend are yet to be transferred from the camera, but from the ICR's corner, the weekend's highlights include;
Myself & Ian Hellings traveling up by temperamental Sherpa pick-up & breaking down in the centre lane of the M25 in the middle of the Friday rush hour & causing "several" miles of traffic jams whilst I was under the bonnet whacking the diesel pump with a large stick....
Myself, Ian Hellings & Richard Morley dashing off into the Kent countryside just before the Saturday roadrun & coming back with a freebie Harding Electric carriage we had been offered providing we were prepared to drag it out of the hedge where it had lain for over a decade...

The aforementioned unholy Saturday Night union between the ICR & the Peel Mafia....

Grant Kearney setting off across the field in pitch dark in his Peel Trident & almost rolling it after launching straight into that ditch which runs right across the field....

Lining numbers 1, 2, 3 & 4 of the world's four smallest production cars up side by side.....

Bob Dobie & his mate Ernie doing athletics on the back of the Sherpa having "volunteered" to assist loading up the AC All Weather & Harding on the Sunday Afternoon....

My tent slowly disintergrating ever further as the weekend wore on.....

How many can you remember?