Author Topic: QUIET  (Read 10902 times)


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« on: March 02, 2009, 09:16:13 pm »
It's somewhat quiet around here at present, come on lads, where are your stories, escapades, pix of Spring drives, favourite beers/wines/food?

Anyone ever had North Staffs Oatcakes? I last had them about 25 years ago then all the shops stopped selling them. Through a ukulele forum I found they are available on line, and my first order may come in tomorrow, HOOOOOORAAAAAY. They're like normal pancakes but made of oats, and unsweetened so you can have them sweet, or wrapped around your Full English Breakfast. You can also get packs of the mix. Apparently oats are good for you, for your cholesterol, blood, and libido, wahaay ! These beauties are great micro-waved, fried etc and can be frozen. Luvverly jubberly.

OK, so this is a micro car forum, so EAT THEM IN YOUR MICRO CAR. Have a micro car lunch party

Anyone had a breakfast cereal called FRU GRAINS. My grannie and grandad used to have them, but I haven't seen them for 40 years. Just saw them in a shop in Walworth Road, thought gotta give 'em a go....RUDDY MARVELLOUS, even better than I remembered them

McKewans Champion Ale, now there's a really nice bevvie, 7.3% too blimey!

Little boy inspecting his "oblate spheroid appendages" (nuts) in the bath asks his Mum
"Are these my brains?"
"Not yet, Dear"

Right, someone else's turn to start a conversation
Just remember: as one door closes behind you, another slams in your face

Bob Purton

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« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2009, 11:03:33 pm »
Marcus, I think your on the wrong forum!  Don't care? Oh alright then! All I can say about things to eat and microcars is that I have two large bags of microcar sweets! They were given to me by Bruce wiener some years ago and I couldnt bring myself to eat them. I just rediscovered in them in my draw and ate a messerschmitt! I have klienschnigiters, schmitts and Isetta's. They are quite well detailed, will get a picture up later.

Jim Janecek

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« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2009, 11:52:22 pm »
A few years ago I bought an Isetta chocolate mold from someone in Texas and it turns out the guy was a Confectionaire and when I got my mold in the mail, inside it was a solid chocolate Isetta wrapped in plastic with a bow that he had made for me!

Now that Bob is eating his microcar candy I feel a strong urge to take that thing off the shelf and take a bite out of a wheel or something.

Chris Thomas

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« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2009, 08:44:04 am »
Dear Marcus

The reason why it has been so quiet on the forum is of course that all the noise opinionated members were attending an all day meeting to decide the shape and form of the Rumcar Celebration Weekend, and were therefore away from their computers or fullfilling their committed obligations.

I am sorry to tell that this quiet spell will happen again when we have further meetings, and the Celebration weekend may be exceedingly quiet, with everybody at School House Farm who knows anything about Microcars. But what an explosion of activity there will be in the days after the celebration.

Regarding food, I always think of those cakes that are a dome of marshmallow on a biscuit and  covered in chocolate, every time I see a picture of the BSA Ladybird. What are they called? Tea cakes or something?

Chris Thomas


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« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2009, 09:01:51 am »
Hello Chris, yes I was aware of the meeting, and I had talked with Mike Shepherd about the possibility of joining in, which I always WANT to do, but as usual work got in the way, as it will yet again on the Open Day. Mike has told me about it, and I say a big THANKS to all who gave their time for the good cause.
 But actually, it has been a bit quiet here for a while, and I have looked in several times and saw now new posts, so I signed out again.
Guessing that others might also be doing so, and to get a few to stay in I posted that, er, ridiculous load of twaddle...and it does seem to have worked, so I say Hooray for off-topic, beyond-the-realms-of-the-RUM-forum, beyond-the-realms-of-sanity gibberish!!!
I have a small pack of sweets with a micro on which Mike brought back from Germany, I will not eat them, but I do LOVE those Jakemans "Throat and Chest" sweets in the black bag, they clear your lungs, and your drains. EVEN my singing is helped by one or two of these before scaring the locals!
Just remember: as one door closes behind you, another slams in your face


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« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2009, 09:37:46 am »
I lived in Hanley, Stoke on Trent for a year.  I know oat cakes well.  They're widely on sale in North Staffordshire.  I was never that impressed to be honest.  Pancakes made of porridge.  I'd rather have my bacon and eggs on toast.

Bob Purton

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« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2009, 09:51:46 am »
I like the sound of those throat and chest sweets Marcus, I take in far too many paint, lacquer and chemical fumes in the course of a working week.
Jim, if that chocolate isetta had arrived here in Hornchurch it would have not survived the day, Shelley's interest in Isetta's is all consuming.
Chris, I only have one word for you "Tunnocks!!"  :D :D :D  aren't these the people that make the little tea cakes you mention? I remember them from school. Bye the bye, I have completed the Health and safety risk assessment form for the celebration weekend but in the light of Marcus's comments I fear I may have left off a serious risk, the fact that Marcus may be in attendance and may SING after consuming a packet of the said throat sweets! :D :D :D


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« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2009, 11:54:08 am »
Well done Bob, I meant to add Tunnocks Tea Cakes, but forgot. We have a visiting sandwich man here, and he sometimes has them. I tried one recently, first time in ages. I quite liked it but probably for nostalgic reasons...if I had never had them as a child I would not have bothered with it, but then I am a miserable old git anyway! And to prove it, for that quip Bob....I WILL sing..... like a stoolpigeon!

Asda some Tesco and Wilinsons sometimes do Jakemans, (strong black bag ones, cherry, lemon, or blue flavour0
Just remember: as one door closes behind you, another slams in your face


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« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2009, 12:18:50 pm »
Smart51 you don't like them? How could ANYONE not LOVE them? !  I hope my order arrives today, have not had any for 25 years. On a ukulele forum I visit, the mention of Staffs oatcakes brought a comment from someone else that in his neck of the woods they are called Derbyshire Oatcakes. Perhaps a little disputed claim, like all those shops who claim to make original/genuine Bakewell tart.
In the early 80s I was in a second rate Goth band, and we were signed to Clay Records....based at Hanley.
Just remember: as one door closes behind you, another slams in your face


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« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2009, 02:51:48 pm »
I didn't say I didn't like them, as such.  Once a year is plenty though.


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« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2009, 02:52:47 pm »
After the day at School House Farm I took Stuart back to his place in Witney on Monday to see the I.C.R. headquarters and I also had a chance to see the  house where I was born 65 years ago, only a few hundred yards/metres from Stuarts. We chatted most of the way also the previous couple of days I had been showing most of the area, and talking, where I drove one of my Peel P50s and other microcars in 1976, Well you have to show off don't you? So the title of this thread is appropriate as I have very nearly lost my voice as in Paint your Waggon, "I was born under a wandering star". I don't think I'll have any of those Jakemans "Throat and Chest" sweets though but if any one wishes to bring some honey, lemon and scotch whisky mixture they will be very welcome at Higgledy-Piggledy, Polegate.   ;D ;D
« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 02:55:13 pm by Jawmedead »


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« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2009, 04:39:46 pm »

...... though but if any one wishes to bring some honey, lemon and scotch whisky mixture they will be very welcome at Higgledy-Piggledy, Polegate.   ;D ;D

The Yanks have a rye whisky product called " Rock and Rye".  60 proof.   It is Rye whisky, sweetened with a bit of rock sugar and oranges, lemons and maybe cherries squeezed into the bottle as well.  Real hard to find now days  and when you do it is typically absent of the actual fruit but still flavoured that way.  On an ice-cold day, say when below zero (-32), it puts a glow in your body and I love it.   I will bring a bottle (or two  ;)) to share at Farm day, although it will be summer.   Ian.
AC, Acoma, Argsons, Arola, Batricars, Bianchina, Carter, Citroens, Cushmans, Dafs, ElectricPal, ElectricShopper, Elswick, Eshelman, Everest, Goggo, Harding, Invacar, Levesons, Lloyd, Marketeer, Model 70's (AC, Invacar), Nelcos, Poirier, Reliants, Renaults, Sinclairs,Trabant, Trilox, Tippen etal


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« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2009, 05:04:42 pm »
Lovely, Stuart will point me out to you!  ;D
« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 08:57:27 pm by Jawmedead »

Chris Thomas

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« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2009, 06:23:42 pm »
Dear Ian

Please I beg of you, do not let Bob D any where near the bottle until after dark, otherwise the whole Celebration weekend event could turn into a scene out of a slapstick comedy (name to be added) film.

Chris Thomas


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« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2009, 06:51:24 pm »
Give him the bottle, I'll get my camera. Youtube just you wait !!!
Just remember: as one door closes behind you, another slams in your face