im in south dorset, uk at the moment.
I just have a habit of saying good morning no matter what time it is...since it always feels like morning

Yeah, i alredy traced this through the owners club, and also found a reference to it in the council history archives. It seems that this was a local car here from day one, and im the 3rd owner.
the 1st owner was some lady from Sherbourne, Dorset, and the 2nd owner was the junk yard itself, and now im the 3rd. 3 owners for 50 yrs isnt so bad.
The car came with no paperwork and with expired registration, but luckily since proof of this cars existence exists (the owners club got records including a photo, and i found the original licensing document at the council archives) then looks like the car might get to keep its original registration number.
Hers some pretty funny photos...the poor little car is dwarfed...by a chopped beetle...which isnt so big...so the scootacar is really really small