Reading Jim's words reminded me of a thread on a drum forum. A fellow in Australia had seen a magazine article on some my drums and had decided to make his own version, and had done a lovely graphic of his design. Lots of people were going "Oooh" and "Aaaah, that's real neat, that's rilly cool" or "That sucks" according to taste, (and no prizes for guessing where that forum is based!).
Although vaguely flattered that someone was immitating my design, I calmly pointed out that 1/2 inch / 12mm metal bar could not be bent to such tight radiuses and precise angles, (even with oxy-acetylene heating and formers) without it being massively expensive to tool up and produce. Even greater cost would result if he tried to do it as a PIC (Precision Investment Casting) or die casting. Also if it was done with carbon fibre or any other methods the cost would be astronomical.
It is SO easy to "design" objects on a computer, and many who do have little or no idea how real world materials behave.
That said, I like the idea of small compact vehicles for light commuting and shopping so good luck to this idea!