Author Topic: Scootacar MkI Progress...  (Read 3629 times)


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Scootacar MkI Progress...
« on: April 01, 2009, 11:41:41 pm »
Just incase anyone was wandering how i was getting on.

Today i finally did the floor pan.

Basically, the corners of the floor pan were pretty bad, and there was alot of rust all the way back to the heater vent, and about thesame level on the other side.

I marked out the condemned area of the floor, and cut it, so all that was holding the condemned areas down were the spot welds to the schassis members below.

After trying to locate the spot welds and drill them out (completely in vain...i actually could not locate them no matter what sanding disk i used), i just took an angle grinder and ground off the floor pan in the spot welded area.

I did not want to try to make the lip/flange at the front if i could help it, so i used some random sill repair sections for some vehicle or other i had lying around.

I recycled the hole for the foot switch, because the area around the foot switch mount wasnt rusted badly, so i cut out the foot switch hole, cut out an equal hole in the new metal, and welded it in.

Then i made my own repair panels to take it from the flange repair sections (which were unfortunatly nowhere near wide enough to reach sound metal on their own) to sound floor metal. These repair panels had holes in them so i can plug-weld them to the schassis members below, as they were originally spot welded.

So here are the results.

Not sooooo bad is it? Once i grind the welds down with a flap-disk, and also cut the sides of the floor where they stick out so they are straight, it will look just like it was a genuine floor panel!

And the front of the car sure is a hell of alot less flappy then it was with the rusted out corners and flange!

So what do you guys think?


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Re: Scootacar MkI Progress...
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2009, 05:29:12 am »
I think you weld a whole lot better than I do! Looks very solid.



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Re: Scootacar MkI Progress...
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2009, 08:30:32 am »
Well I WAS wondering how you are getting on, you have not posted so much recently! Good progress, keep it coming!
Just remember: as one door closes behind you, another slams in your face


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Re: Scootacar MkI Progress...
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2009, 10:58:47 pm »
Yeah, been busy, my mates Rust Rover needed more welding that i think is humanly possible. We had both me and him with two MIG welders running gasless (the piece of rust dont deserve gas migging!), welding simultaneously, one on each side, for a good few days. Man that was a mighty effort. are some pictures of how i did the scootacar.

Sill repair section thing (to make a new front flange), with the original foot switch hole patch that came from the original floor.

Cut in

...And welded. Notice how the end of the flange and the whole ex sill repair section has alredy been shaped to the profile of the old floor.

Tacked into place

Now just the big hole in between to do. First the wierd little patch next to the shock tower. Metal was thin so turned out pretty rough.

Dressed with a flap disk tho it didnt look all that bad at all

Home made repair panel for the in between section, with plug-weld holes to replace the original spot welds to the schassis member below


Same idea on the other side. Sill repair section for the flange, and then a home made repair section with 6mm holes to plug-weld through to the schassis under neath. tacked into place

And...well the result you see in the first post.

Need to grind it down and dress it now, which i really dont want to do yet, iv had enough metal working for one week, I am actually SICK of steel, having burned through a 5kg drum of welding wire in about a day (not on the bubble car!). now i just want to play with something that doesnt need welding or grinding...

...Like the engine! Rebuild time i think!


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Re: Scootacar MkI Progress...
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2009, 11:44:41 am »
Welders and angle grinders DO take their toll after a while!
Just remember: as one door closes behind you, another slams in your face