Hey guys.
Iv been very busy lately with other stuff, so the bubble car didnt get that much attention.
Quick update: all metalwork is finished, chassis, rear engine cradle, rear suspension arm, rear shock, gear linkage, steering column/linkage and a few other assorted bits have been sorted out and bolted back onto the chassis.
I mainley just wire brushed them with the wire wheel on the angle grinder to bare metal, repaired any metal damage where necessary, primed with red oxide and then painter with black chassis paint. All 3 suspension springs are in good condition, so i brushed them down, painted them with flexible primer and then yellow spring paint.
It took me ages to match all the bolts. It was so tempting to just replace them with metric bolts, but i decided to replace them with what they originally were. Since ALL the bolts in the scootacar were a total loss, most had to be cut off and all were too mangled to re-use, it was difficult to match them, and also since i didnt know anything about imperial threads...i do now...and have brand new correct bolts for everything.
So now im at the hubs, and here is the problem.
I need to change front wheel cylinders...and as im finding out more and more, the Scootacar was designed by a Ray Charles impersonator which gave absolutely NO thought to maintenance/repair. For some stupid reason or other, you have to pull the stub axles out to change the cylinders...i cant see any other way to take the cylinders out.
So...how the hell do you take the front stubs out of the hubs? I tried to undo the 4 bolts holding the bearing retainer looking thing, but nothing will budge, the bearing retainer moved about 4mm and then stopped. Tried to force it off in all manner of ways, but no, its staying put.
So...how DO you change the brake wheel cylinders??