Unfortunatly, for the last couple of weeks i had to temporarily exile the bubble car as i thought id be changing a type3 engine.
I got a new daily driver, a VW type 3, and when i drive it home 300 miles it was running really rough and generally not behaving, i thought the heads are gone for sure, and probably the pistons/bores too, so i freed up the workshop and temporarily moved the bubble car next door. The guy there is a scooter person so he was kind of happy to lend a corner of the workshop to a scootacar for a while.
But when i got it home, all problems were traced to a broken vac pipe and old leaky HT leads, so now i have a perfectly running Type 3 as a daily driver (and i paid stupid low money for it too).

And im happy to report that after a period of inactivity, the bubble car project is going again, the bubble car is back in the workshop, and im continuing the work on it,
Latest job is to fix a cracked front hub casting. I tried both low-temp alloy solder and alloy MIG welding, but neither could get enough heat into a casting that thick to penetrate/stick properly, so i gave up and took it to someone else, since i dont have a TIG welder yet (been meaning to get one for a while tho).