Author Topic: SIBA dynastart info/literature?  (Read 5598 times)


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SIBA dynastart info/literature?
« on: June 18, 2009, 03:31:35 am »
When i took the engine out, i put little masking tape labels on each cable, to show where they connect on the controller thng.

Well, now its nearly time to put the engine back on...guess how many of these lables survived? ONE! And worst, all the big cables look identicle, im not sure how you tell them apart.

Does anyone happen to have any scans of any litirature for these things? A circuit diagram would be good, because then i could at least use an ohm meter to work out whats what.

Grrr...why couldnt they have used different colored wires??? Is there any way to identify the thick starter wires?

The unit worked when i pulled it out of the car, so should work again, but some kind of diagram or info would be very useful.


Bob Purton

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Re: SIBA dynastart info/literature?
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2009, 10:27:00 am »
You should have little brass tabs on the end of the cables with numbers and letters stamped on them. If these have survived I can tell you where they all go. Let me know if you have them.


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Re: SIBA dynastart info/literature?
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2009, 10:32:28 am »
The Bushing clamps should have pierced numbers and letters. Also the terminal block. So you cant mix up the cables.
Maybe you should get in contact with the british Messerschmitt Clubs  MOC or MEC. for further help.

Good luck anyway



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Re: SIBA dynastart info/literature?
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2009, 02:48:17 pm »
Most of the tabs didnt survive. The control box terminal connector thing was in a bad condition, so i just drew a diagram of the connector block, and put labels on each cable, then alot of the cables broke off the brass tabs, and some i just cut (since i figured i will have to do a full rewiring job on the engine and dynastart unit anyway due to burnt cable etc).

But unfortunatly i didnt realize the brass tabs had any kind of markings. Dammit.