Got mine this morning, flick through it but not much caught my eye, I'm sure an in depth read will throw up somethink engaging. I read and enjoyed Tony's "is it a microcar" spot, Thanks for listening Tony and not featuring a fork lift truck or lawnmower this time, a very interesting background to this car! I also read with interest the letter from Paul Leslie, I agree with all he says and have stated it many times, we need technical articles, Tony's reply about "they may be codswhallop" is defeatist, of course some of them may well be but it doesnt stop the other mags publishing them, a little printed waver from RCN is all thats needed, the fact remains the mag is a little dry without such. The name could be changed to "Microcar world", the fact that there is a brand of car called microcar is of no consequence in my view, it could be split to "micro car" if someone insisted. About techno articles, Tony said, about which cars, how about something on villiers engines as many micro's use them? I'm not moaning, its a great mag but these things need discussing.