Dear Jean
May I put my head, yet again above the parapet and say that I, like many readers, always read your article from top to bottom in each edition. But never more than once.
Now that Alaster is "...firmly in charge of the Register of cars...." are we to assume that the title of your article will from now on be changed to something like "From the Bubble Shed" or "Down on the Farm"
Regarding the title of the magazine I am all in favour of changing the name to something like "Microcar World", before the Americans get there first. While the magazine started out to just inform the register members of what was going on, it is now more than that and is an informative publication in it's own right. With the web site forum, keeping the majority of register members up to date with news, which can be done so much quicker than by waiting to the next eition of the magazine, some might say why should we have a magazine. If we look at magazine content it should contain those elements that are not easily achieved on a web site, like longer informative articles with lots of images. Adverts for Micro related products and services, all things that have happened in the past or will not change in the future, authorative comment and new product launches.
The introduction of the internet has made the world of Microcars much more International ,and our interest in International vehicles and events, so having a magazine that is relevent to Microcar readers all over the world should generate a far larger readership. Whilst some may see the magazine being published in English as being restricted to only English Speaking countries, as a language it is far more easily understood than perhaps in some other languages.
I do not expect to ever see Microcar World magazine ever being sold in WH Smiths, but I do expect to see the readership rise if the name was updated.
Expecting a lot of flack
Chris Thomas