Hi Stuart, As I said I was not pointing the finger or saying this was a point in case but raising an issue that concerns many and applies to registers accross the board. I was hoping not to have to use an example but looks like I will have to to make the point. A person wants to sell say a Tourette [I know , I'm obsesed with them!] The owner knows its a rare microcar, googles rare microcar and discovers RUM, makes some enqires and who really gets the first crack at aquiring the desirable car, is it not who ever is running the register at the time, many would say the noble thing to do would be to give some advise on values and tell the owner to put it on the open market. The temptation however is to say, Oh I will have it off you , I am the register and it will be going to a good home! I know I would be tempted! Its an issue that comes up in the motorcycle world all the time and with classic car registers alike. I bought it up because I dont think it has been debated before on the forum as far as I can remember.I will open a new thread and see what folk think.