Author Topic: Peel p50 on ebay 120517618068  (Read 30568 times)


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Re: Peel p50 on ebay 120517618068
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2010, 01:29:43 PM »
Awww!! I wanted to see how far it would go... though don't reckon it would have got beyond 25k. I bet that's the last we hear about them. Snapped up and hidden away. ::)

looks like they have been "hidden away" for some time now anyways so I don't see how anything would change there.
also, if this happens to be the same person that wanted £50K previously because he would not accept £40K, then I rather doubt they have been "snapped up".

eBay cancelled the listing, not the seller.  Seller is free to list it again.

I suspect the bidding would go up to around £50K, but not because someone would actually pay that.
I think it would be bid up to that point to "prove" that they are now "worth" that much, never mind that no sale or transfer of owner actually occurred.
The last 2 Peels I have seen on eBay were nothing but monkey business and shenanigans so I see no reason why this one would be any different.
I would like to be proven wrong.  I have nothing against someone selling something and making money or someone paying lots of money for something.
As long as it actually happened.
If it is all "pretend" so as to make it appear that there is a ready steady market of Buyers out there willing to pay £50K when in reality...there are not, then I have a problem with that.
Lack of transparency on the part of the Seller -and other interested parties - contributes to this perception.

Owners with a VI will obviously talk the market up.

Haters will always talk it down.

There is no new thing under the sun.   Shame this Peel's been pulled as it would have been a cast iron indicator of what's what.  

Still if anyone needs an engine there's one up for sale right now!     and with some choice fettling of shell and inginuity you can pedal along if your mag fails or big end knocks...    260539437794
« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 01:35:34 PM by P50 »
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Re: Peel p50 on ebay 120517618068
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2010, 02:56:55 PM »
... but this engine is, as you can see a pedal engine, aircooled and not fancooled, and in addition the slow 2hp version. Seriously not to be suitable for a Peel, i reckon.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 03:00:45 PM by Peelpower »

Jim Janecek

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Re: Peel p50 on ebay 120517618068
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2010, 04:10:57 PM »

Haters will always talk it down.

who is talking it down?

I said I am open to whatever price it actually sells for as long it really sold for that price.
Since when is the truth equated with hate?


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Re: Peel p50 on ebay 120517618068
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2010, 05:20:43 PM »
Your facts dear boy are all over the place.

Last two Peels? Including or up to this one?  Firstly we had Nev's Trident. That was I agree a joke.

Then we had my Trident being listed by Frank Thunig. He accepted my offer then pulled the auction. No funny business.

Then we had the P50 that went up Blackpool tower. Sold to the highest bidder as kosher as a barmitzvah.

Then this one which was pulled by a listing error.

So to say the last two Peels listed were nothing but monkey business etc is crap   Accept they are desirable as they are odd and are fundamentally never going to be cheap. Everyone knows that. At least on here.
"Men of worth act like men of worth, and men of genius, who produce
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praise them than when they boast so confidently of their own achievements."
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Re: Peel p50 on ebay 120517618068
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2010, 11:06:57 PM »
Whats i gonna say to you Perry! Yes, i do agree with you, because its all down to supply and demand!
If a vendor offers something, and a buyer is paying for it, its well for both i guess.
 On the other hand, i would'nt sell my Peels, as i own them for ages and i do love these cars.
Down here in Germany its the same with TG's. Only dealers try to do get money, the enthusiasts will keep em !

Jim Janecek

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Re: Peel p50 on ebay 120517618068
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2010, 11:50:36 PM »
Your facts dear boy are all over the place.

You aren't going to misquote me are you?

Last two Peels? Including or up to this one? 

quote: "the last two Peels I have seen on eBay."
not the last two Peels that you saw or the last two that have ever been on eBay.

Firstly we had Nev's Trident. That was I agree a joke.

thank you, so that is one that I saw and you agree had some "issues".
so many issues, I had to write an article about and people STILL think it sold.

Then we had my Trident being listed by Frank Thunig. He accepted my offer then pulled the auction. No funny business.

not aware of it so it is not part of the "last 2 Peels I have seen on eBay"

Then we had the P50 that went up Blackpool tower. Sold to the highest bidder as kosher as a barmitzvah.

and you know this because....?   Who was the high bidder?
actually who were the 3 highest bidders?
do you know that?
I do.

that listing was what got me going on this in the first place.


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Re: Peel p50 on ebay 120517618068
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2010, 09:42:43 AM »
Your facts dear boy are all over the place.

You aren't going to misquote me are you?

Last two Peels? Including or up to this one?

quote: "the last two Peels I have seen on eBay."
not the last two Peels that you saw or the last two that have ever been on eBay.

Firstly we had Nev's Trident. That was I agree a joke.

thank you, so that is one that I saw and you agree had some "issues".
so many issues, I had to write an article about and people STILL think it sold.

Then we had my Trident being listed by Frank Thunig. He accepted my offer then pulled the auction. No funny business.

not aware of it so it is not part of the "last 2 Peels I have seen on eBay"

Then we had the P50 that went up Blackpool tower. Sold to the highest bidder as kosher as a barmitzvah.

and you know this because....?   Who was the high bidder?
actually who were the 3 highest bidders?
do you know that?
I do.

that listing was what got me going on this in the first place.

Carter bought the Blackpool P50. fair and square but has since sold/traded it. Obviously.

Didn't know about my Trident?  Hardly watching the market are we?

I note you've put the owner of the recently listed TG's nose out of joint on the Schmitt forum.

Do you happen to own a Peel or TG?

« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 09:50:15 AM by P50 »
"Men of worth act like men of worth, and men of genius, who produce
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Jim Janecek

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Re: Peel p50 on ebay 120517618068
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2010, 10:12:23 PM »

Carter bought the Blackpool P50. fair and square but has since sold/traded it. Obviously.

ah, thank you for saving me the bother of having to mention that.

what I found most interesting about the "Blackpool P50" is that it was originally listed by a pair of brothers who had owned it for some time. (this was what they told me at the time)
several years later I get a phone call about a Peel P50 for sale that went up Blackpool tower and is owned by a pair or brothers who had owned it for some time.
and at both times the brothers were rather lax about whether they really wanted to sell "if it goes high enough, otherwise we will just keep it...."
what are the odds? ;)

anyways, regarding the actual eBay listing that you say was so "fair and square", I was bidding on it for someone else who did not want their eBay name used.
so I don't care what the price is, it is not my money.  I also don't want a Peel. I don't collect cars.  I don't have the money or space.

anyways this was back in June 2006 and one could still see eBay usernames of the bidders.
I placed my bid which was in the mid £13K range.
another bidder had bid it up to just over £10 and it sort of languished there for several days.  I thought it a bit odd as I was certain it was going to go higher and there would be more interest, but this was not a "reserve" listing.  Whoever the highest bidder was when the listing ended was the "winner".
And here I was.. the "winner" with maybe 12 hours to go at just over £10K
Then a bidder comes in that I was not familiar with.  TGROADSTER
Minutes later the bid is retracted (£18K) and noted at the bottom of the Bidding History page.

Well that's odd I thought, when I got the email that I had been outbid.
eh, so what?

couple hours later another Bidder comes in: PEELNUT.
bids right up to £1 under my proxy bid.
wow, what an amazing coincidence!  :o
You don't think he knew what my proxy bid was do you?  ???
I am still the "high bidder" but now the price visible to those watching is much higher than £10K

Nothing happens until a short time before the end of the listing and TGROADSTER (who had bid and then retracted) comes in and places an unknown amount bid and remains the high bidder to end by one bid increment above mine.
No one else tries to bid.  No one.  :-\

At the time I thought "well, that went for less than I thought it would".  And then 3 months later the car shows up on Carter's website for sale for £21K

Ah.... so did this mean that Carter actually bought the car and is now selling it?   ???
Does this mean that Carter was TGROADSTER?   ??? I knew he used PEELNUT, but that was it. 
Or was he working with the seller to ensure they got the highest price possible and is now listing it off eBay as a broker?  ???
I can't answer that question, but it certainly seems odd given the bidding pattern.
If he wanted to buy the car, why not just use the TGROADSTER account and buy it? No one would be the wiser.
What was the point of popping my high bid and then using another account to bid it up to £1 under my high bid?  ???

seriously.  what was the point?  The only explanation I can see if that he was trying to create interest and make the price appear higher to anyone watching in an attempt to get more bidding going.
Is this an attempt to make prices appear to be high so that replicas can be sold?  ???
I don't imagine there would be much of a market for replicas if the cars were not selling for significantly more than £10K
There may be another point, but I don't know what it is.  It still smacks of monkey business and shenanigans.
Why use 2 eBay accounts for the same listing?  ??? You don't want people to know you bought it?  Well then don't put it up on your website 3 months later for sale.

I don't have any issue with people buying and selling things and making money.  :-*
And it is not a matter of "sour grapes" that I did not get the P50, I was not bidding for me and I told the buyer I thought their bid was too low.
The issue I have is when buyers or sellers do it under false pretense and say they either bought or sold something when the item never changed hands or the price was completely different.
I also don't like to see people bantering about a price for something when I know full well they are wrong.  >:(

"someone"  ;) was recently bantering about that Bruce Weiner was asking $200,000 for a yellow Tg.
That info was completely false and misleading, which makes me ask "what other information from this source is ALSO FALSE AND MISLEADING"?  ::)

It only serves to benefit a few people and actually does a dis-service to many owners as they are led to believe their vehicles are now worth astronomical prices and there is a line of ready buyers willing to pay almost anything when in reality there have been a few private sales.

Didn't know about my Trident?  Hardly watching the market are we?

how long was it up?  From your description not long. Also you said the listing was cancelled. 
Even if I had seen it I would not have paid it much attention because it was sold off eBay for an unknown amount.
So it is not something I feel qualified to comment on.

The two listings I HAVE mentioned are ones that I HAVE either been directly involved in or been forwarded information by people that were directly involved so I could see what was really going on.
Sometimes people send me things and they are suspicious and they want my opinion but when I look, I don't see anything wrong.
Other times it just jumps out that things are not right.

I note you've put the owner of the recently listed TG's nose out of joint on the Schmitt forum.

People tend to get very defensive when they get called out on their Bulls**t.

Do you happen to own a Peel or TG?

no, and what difference does it make if I do nor not?
Do you think I have some sort of "hidden agenda"?
Or am I not allowed to discuss Peels or Tgs if I do not own one?

Peels and Tgs are apparently just ripe for exploitation especially when a very small number of people are privy to most of the information.
It is unfortunate that the prices appear to be manipulated in some cases.  Note that I say "APPEAR" and also "in some cases"

Dan Rodd

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Re: Peel p50 on ebay 120517618068
« Reply #23 on: January 19, 2010, 10:19:19 PM »
im glad that i will never own any of the mainstream or rare microcars,as soon as money gets involved,it all gets very nasty,and it becomes a game of whos got what,how much it was,and whos selling what etc.
ill stick to £500 Reliants ;D


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Re: Peel p50 on ebay 120517618068
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2010, 11:41:38 PM »
......time bomb is ticking ! Mates, calm down now!


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Re: Peel p50 on ebay 120517618068
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2010, 11:46:11 PM »

Carter bought the Blackpool P50. fair and square but has since sold/traded it. Obviously.

ah, thank you for saving me the bother of having to mention that.

what I found most interesting about the "Blackpool P50" is that it was originally listed by a pair of brothers who had owned it for some time. (this was what they told me at the time)
several years later I get a phone call about a Peel P50 for sale that went up Blackpool tower and is owned by a pair or brothers who had owned it for some time.
and at both times the brothers were rather lax about whether they really wanted to sell "if it goes high enough, otherwise we will just keep it...."
what are the odds? ;)

anyways, regarding the actual eBay listing that you say was so "fair and square", I was bidding on it for someone else who did not want their eBay name used.
so I don't care what the price is, it is not my money.  I also don't want a Peel. I don't collect cars.  I don't have the money or space.

anyways this was back in June 2006 and one could still see eBay usernames of the bidders.
I placed my bid which was in the mid £13K range.
another bidder had bid it up to just over £10 and it sort of languished there for several days.  I thought it a bit odd as I was certain it was going to go higher and there would be more interest, but this was not a "reserve" listing.  Whoever the highest bidder was when the listing ended was the "winner".
And here I was.. the "winner" with maybe 12 hours to go at just over £10K
Then a bidder comes in that I was not familiar with.  TGROADSTER
Minutes later the bid is retracted (£18K) and noted at the bottom of the Bidding History page.

Well that's odd I thought, when I got the email that I had been outbid.
eh, so what?

couple hours later another Bidder comes in: PEELNUT.
bids right up to £1 under my proxy bid.
wow, what an amazing coincidence!  :o
You don't think he knew what my proxy bid was do you?  ???
I am still the "high bidder" but now the price visible to those watching is much higher than £10K

Nothing happens until a short time before the end of the listing and TGROADSTER (who had bid and then retracted) comes in and places an unknown amount bid and remains the high bidder to end by one bid increment above mine.
No one else tries to bid.  No one.  :-\

At the time I thought "well, that went for less than I thought it would".  And then 3 months later the car shows up on Carter's website for sale for £21K

Ah.... so did this mean that Carter actually bought the car and is now selling it?   ???
Does this mean that Carter was TGROADSTER?   ??? I knew he used PEELNUT, but that was it. 
Or was he working with the seller to ensure they got the highest price possible and is now listing it off eBay as a broker?  ???
I can't answer that question, but it certainly seems odd given the bidding pattern.
If he wanted to buy the car, why not just use the TGROADSTER account and buy it? No one would be the wiser.
What was the point of popping my high bid and then using another account to bid it up to £1 under my high bid?  ???

seriously.  what was the point?  The only explanation I can see if that he was trying to create interest and make the price appear higher to anyone watching in an attempt to get more bidding going.
Is this an attempt to make prices appear to be high so that replicas can be sold?  ???
I don't imagine there would be much of a market for replicas if the cars were not selling for significantly more than £10K
There may be another point, but I don't know what it is.  It still smacks of monkey business and shenanigans.
Why use 2 eBay accounts for the same listing?  ??? You don't want people to know you bought it?  Well then don't put it up on your website 3 months later for sale.

I don't have any issue with people buying and selling things and making money.  :-*
And it is not a matter of "sour grapes" that I did not get the P50, I was not bidding for me and I told the buyer I thought their bid was too low.
The issue I have is when buyers or sellers do it under false pretense and say they either bought or sold something when the item never changed hands or the price was completely different.
I also don't like to see people bantering about a price for something when I know full well they are wrong.  >:(

"someone"  ;) was recently bantering about that Bruce Weiner was asking $200,000 for a yellow Tg.
That info was completely false and misleading, which makes me ask "what other information from this source is ALSO FALSE AND MISLEADING"?  ::)

It only serves to benefit a few people and actually does a dis-service to many owners as they are led to believe their vehicles are now worth astronomical prices and there is a line of ready buyers willing to pay almost anything when in reality there have been a few private sales.

Didn't know about my Trident?  Hardly watching the market are we?

how long was it up?  From your description not long. Also you said the listing was cancelled. 
Even if I had seen it I would not have paid it much attention because it was sold off eBay for an unknown amount.
So it is not something I feel qualified to comment on.

The two listings I HAVE mentioned are ones that I HAVE either been directly involved in or been forwarded information by people that were directly involved so I could see what was really going on.
Sometimes people send me things and they are suspicious and they want my opinion but when I look, I don't see anything wrong.
Other times it just jumps out that things are not right.

I note you've put the owner of the recently listed TG's nose out of joint on the Schmitt forum.

People tend to get very defensive when they get called out on their Bulls**t.

Do you happen to own a Peel or TG?

no, and what difference does it make if I do nor not?
Do you think I have some sort of "hidden agenda"?
Or am I not allowed to discuss Peels or Tgs if I do not own one?

Peels and Tgs are apparently just ripe for exploitation especially when a very small number of people are privy to most of the information.
It is unfortunate that the prices appear to be manipulated in some cases.  Note that I say "APPEAR" and also "in some cases"

By the time I've waded through your posting fossil fuel will have run out. 

In fact the sun may have engulfed our entire solar system.

I'll finish with "where there's money there's skulduggery"   What's new?! 
"Men of worth act like men of worth, and men of genius, who produce
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-Benvenuto Cellini

Jim Janecek

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Re: Peel p50 on ebay 120517618068
« Reply #26 on: January 19, 2010, 11:56:25 PM »
I'll finish with "where there's money there's skulduggery"   What's new?!  


« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 11:58:13 PM by JimJanecek »


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Re: Peel p50 on ebay 120517618068
« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2010, 08:08:39 AM »
"Men of worth act like men of worth, and men of genius, who produce
things beautiful and excellent, shine forth far better when other people
praise them than when they boast so confidently of their own achievements."
-Benvenuto Cellini

Grant Kearney

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Re: Peel p50 on ebay 120517618068
« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2010, 11:39:39 AM »
I have heard a rumour that 'Peelnut' has bought both Peel on behalf of  a TV celebrity  for a silly amount that would 'make your eyes water'.
Time will tell if this in fact true or not.  I am sure the said gentleman will tell all in the next edition of Peel News once the deal is done.


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Re: Peel p50 on ebay 120517618068
« Reply #29 on: January 20, 2010, 12:45:10 PM »
I have heard both Peel have been bought by a famous goal keeper, who also owns a couple of rare cars and microcars.
Unfortunately the cars might be stored hidden in a private museum.