:oI am happy to hear from supporters for Zeta project and thanks for your ideas and suggestions.
If we could raise a team of sponsors then we could have the cars going by christmas this year.
Can anyone come to cairns and Adelaide before xmas to paint and assemble for a test drive in three months time?
If you wish to keep the cars then we should get busy and put them back together I have till January on my home /workshop here in Cairns and the Zeta is located in Adelaide in a storage facility.
If anyone who would be willing to and could come to Australia and help pack up then pay for the transport back to europe and America then we could all make a documentry of the journey.
If you look for Jack Evans and his Triumph for Breath 1930 Triumph Super seven tour from Armidale to Perth and return from east to west and back I wish to do the same from North to south and then on tour to raise awareness and help charity events, and Vintage car events as well as celebrate the 80 and 50th aniversaries of these cars.
By the way I also own a restored 1988 World expo Pedicab which is one of fifty or less which my collection centers around.
There were less than 50 triumph super sevens, 50 Zetas, 50 Suzuki Micro vans etc. in fact I have been collecting since a teenager My first car came from England with my family on the Ship Fairstar in 1963
As a collection I have a unique group of historic objects from colonial Australia and my own immigrant life from England to Australia and return so I don't have a problem with my reality.
I was 21 years old living in England when I first owned a Messerschmit Blue from the secretary of the Messerschmitt owners club and I toured around then sold her when I returned to Adelaide.
I knew the history and where to find the cars in Adelaide and so that is how I have come to know so much about my vehicles.

sorry for my dyslexic brain but I am happy to help deliver the cars while I still can.
Have a look on google for 1929 triumph Super seven and 1960 lightburn Zeta Sports and see what you can find.
There is many photos on my picassa web alboms site and send me a friend request at robinheath57@live.com