The "bummer" is that this actually happened 5 years ago and it took this long to make this announcement.
Also a "bummer" is the scorched earth policy that basically kept all control in the hands of one rather anti-social, stubborn and manipulative person.
That is why it is "disbanding" rather than being passed on to another person or group.
Having actually BEEN on "The Board of Directors" at one time (for several years), I was dismayed to find that the "Club" was considered to be run for "The Board of Directors" and that "members" were just something that were put up with.
"Members" were not informed of meetings and were not welcome at them. "Club Picnics" were held that were for Board Members only, no "outsiders".
I tried for many years to get them to incrementally adapt to a new world of communication and new collectors and enthusiasts but was not only rebuffed each time but ridiculed for attempting to do anything different. As a Board Member, I felt it was my job to ensure that the entity continued on no matter what. This was view was perceived as a "threat" and that my real reason was to "hijack" the Club.
I suppose there is some truth to that since the "Club" was apparently intended only for the benefit of The Board of Directors.....
I tried to get the magazine to move to a digital format for printing, not only for longevity but for cost savings as well. Of course they scoffed and told me that there was no need for any change as their current Printer would be doing the magazine for a long long time!
About a year later they were scrambling because their "Printer" had decided to close up shop. "Emergency meetings" were held and the "problem" was eventually "solved" (not by me of course!)
~Six years ago - at a Board Meeting - I brought up the subject of contingency planning. Among other things I asked; what would happen -God Forbid!- if anything happened to the current editor of the magazine?
Without missing a beat, the Chairman
(and also Treasurer) replied:
"Well, that's it! That's the End Of The Club!"Bummer indeed.