Author Topic: Microcar and Scooter club Australia has a new web site  (Read 4177 times)


  • Chatty
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  • Posts: 46
  • Lightburn Zeta Prototype owner
 ;Great news from Fred Diwell today!!

The much appreciated and excellent Microcar and scooter club run by Fred Di well and friends in Sydney Australia has a new website

take a look at and let him know if you like the site as I do.

Congratulations on a great effort and thanks for the information, history and photos of these cars we had when we were young.

My first Messerschmitt Kr 180 was in England when I was 21 and I still have the Zeta sports prototype 32 years later.

I hope you ,like the Down under view of our world and enjoy the benefits of the internet bringing us all closer together. :D
« Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 06:38:48 am by zetasports »


  • Chatty
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  • Posts: 46
  • Lightburn Zeta Prototype owner
Woops sorry the new web site is
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2010, 06:36:34 am »
 ???Sorry for being dyslexic but the correct web address should be


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No worries, I love to see what's on in other countries. I saw the Goggomobil Carryall pictured in another restoration article a while ago and is one of my favorites, but having seen this site I love the Edith, totally barmy.  ;D