Author Topic: Off to the Bay to Birdwood with Zeta sports prototype  (Read 3484 times)


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  • Lightburn Zeta Prototype owner
Off to the Bay to Birdwood with Zeta sports prototype
« on: September 21, 2010, 05:57:34 am »
Hello from Australia and the time has arrived for my holiday.

Shane Bucannon and I are travelling by plane from Cairns off to Adelaide tomorow (wednesday) morning to unpack the zeta sports and take some photos for you to see what the little car is all about.

We plan to attend the start of the Bay to Birdwood car rally on Sunday (26) morning as the start of our trip back to Cairns via Birdwood (National Motor Museum), then Renmark (Richard Fewster Renmark Motor Museum) and then 3800km back to Cairns to arrive in cairns Wednesday 29 sept.

I have camera and laptop at the ready and will send videos and pictures for you to look at and share the journey South to North with the Zeta and crew.

I don't look foward to the dirt and dust in the old bus but it is amazing what a bit of soap and elbow grease can achieve when necessary.

I am also selling my Suzuki 500cc Micro Van if anyone is interested it is now on Ebay along with my old bus and the rest of the stuff I have stored for the past twenty years or so.

I will upload some videos and pics to youtube at ROBINHEATH1 or email me at ROBINHEATH57@LIVE.COM


All or any moral support and funny comments will be very much apreciated

as it is a three day drive from adelaide to cairns and some company along the way would be most welcome.

Thanks for all your help, comments and wish you all well

Robin Heath
« Last Edit: September 21, 2010, 06:03:34 am by zetasports »