Author Topic: Zeta sports 1001 look for" Zeta sports adelaide" on youtube  (Read 6243 times)


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Zeta sports 1001 look for" Zeta sports adelaide" on youtube
« on: September 23, 2010, 12:18:18 pm »
Hello from Adelaide. South Australia

Shane Bucanan and I have arrived in Adelaide yesterday and we have the 1001 Zeta out of the old bus today and if you take a look at youtube for "Zeta sports adelaide"
you will find some pics to see what the car looks like in the open.

Tomorow Shane and I will load the car on to the little truck Shane purchased yesterday and get ready to leave Sunday morning with the Bay to Birdwood Vintage car rally on our way 3000km back to Cairns.

The weather is fine and we are making good progress so far.

Wish you were here and I will send more pics tomorow.

Robin & Shane

Big Al

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Re: Zeta sports 1001 look for" Zeta sports adelaide" on youtube
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2010, 08:25:55 pm »
Nice paint job with shades of Lamborgini, very Austin Powers. Yeah, Baby! I still might do a Whizzo Schmitt paint job on the hack when it eventually gets done.
Messerschmitt set, Goggo Darts, Heinkel 175, Fiat Jolly, Autobianchi, Fairthorpe Electron Minor, Borgward, Isuzu Trooper
Citroen BX 17TZD & GTI 16v
Held - MG Magnette ZB & 4/44
For sale - Vellam Isetta, Bamby, AC Type 70, Velorex, Church Pod, Reliant Mk5, KR200,  Saab 96, Bellemy Trials, Citroen BXs


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  • Lightburn Zeta Prototype owner
Zeta paint work was painted by Rod Boucher who now lives in London
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2010, 01:13:05 pm »
Rod sent a lovely email explaining how and when he painted the car as well as describing how he drove the car as a go kart without the body around the suburbs of adelaide in the 70s good fun and a nice painting but the car has been many other colours and we can clearly see where the Dome was positioned behind the driver's head as well as many differences from Zeta 1008 which was very unteresting and stimulated theories of frisky/zeta hybrid??

steven mandell

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Re: Zeta sports 1001 look for" Zeta sports adelaide" on youtube
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2010, 06:09:00 pm »
Is the Zeta 1008 the yellow car in the pictures?


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  • Lightburn Zeta Prototype owner
Re: Zeta sports 1001 look for" Zeta sports adelaide" on youtube
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2010, 08:12:22 am »
Is the Zeta 1008 the yellow car in the pictures?

Yes that car belongs to Allan Kuchel of renmark and is a very nice car.
He also has a LLOyd Alexander which is he drives regularly.

I have spoken with Ian Wilson today who also owns a Zeta Sports with only 2000 miles on the speedo,

He will let me know what engine/chassis numbers later as well as some pics to show.
 Raining here in cairns so I cannot paint today, perhaps tomorow I will see how my new super expensive NASON looks out of the spray gun.

Oh to live in a desert!!!

Bob Purton

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Re: Zeta sports 1001 look for" Zeta sports adelaide" on youtube
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2010, 08:47:18 am »
A friend of mine in France owns a Zeta sport so thats one more.


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Re: Zeta sports 1001 look for" Zeta sports adelaide" on youtube
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2010, 11:50:36 am »
thanks for that I will add it to my list and check with Fred Diwell for any he has as well.

I will take some pics of my engine tomorow and at this stage I seem to have an engine with FMR cast into the side cover, and an engine number so that will be helpful.

Also I will wash the parts and put them  into Mollasas for a few weeks to remove some rust and corrosion and start the cleaning process.

I think the hardest part will be to seperate the crankcases as the nuts are rusted on to the studs but I will have  a go and show you what i find Robin

Jonathan Poll

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Re: Zeta sports 1001 look for" Zeta sports adelaide" on youtube
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2010, 06:03:44 pm »
A friend of mine in France owns a Zeta sport so thats one more.

Do you mean my Dad? He sold it if you were talknig about him.
Cars: Messerschmitt KR200, Nobel 200
- Peugeot BB3SP, BB3T, BB3 "BITZA", BB VT, BB104,  TSA, Bima Luxe,
- Motobecane: 50V, M7 SL, 51 Club, EV50
- Other mopeds: Malaguti Superquattro, Solex 2200, Puch Monza, Puch Maxi