Author Topic: Changes to car insurance  (Read 6662 times)


  • Chatty
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Changes to car insurance
« on: November 17, 2010, 04:49:33 pm »
I’ve just read an article in the Morris Minor Club magazine that has implications for everyone and it doesn't seem to have been very well publicised in any of the car magazines or press.

Footman James had an article printed stating:

“We urge people to ensure that they take action before the expiry of their motor insurance policy, especially when the DoT’S Continuous Insurance ruling comes into force in January next year.
Continuous Insurance is the next step in a national clampdown which, according to the Motor Insurance Bureau has already seen a 20% reduction in the number of uninsured drivers. Since 2005, when the Police were given the power to seize vehicles without insurance, the number of uninsured drivers has fallen from 1.8 million to 1.5 million.
Under the new ruling it will be an offence to own a vehicle without valid UK motor insurance, even if the vehicle is being kept off road whilst undergoing restoration or repair. Drivers intending to keep a vehicle off the road will need to hold valid insurance for it unless they have arranged a SORN.
From January the MIB will send out letters to all motorists owning cars that do not show up on the national database as having valid insurance. Those who ignore the reminder could face fines, penalty points and in the worst cases have their vehicle seized and destroyed.
We realise that this ruling may be an inconvenience to many classic car owners says Paul Mathews MD of Footman James. However if motorists ensure that they renew their insurance in good time and SORN their vehicles each time that it is off road or their insurance expires, then they will not be greatly affected.”

So it would seem to be the case that you need to SORN a car if it has no MOT, no road tax or now no insurance. I hope DVLA are taking on extra staff to cope with all the extra paperwork! It would also seem that ultimately there is pressure being brought to tax, insure and MOT your car at the same time to avoid all the paperwork! >:(



  • Chatty
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Re: Changes to car insurance
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2010, 11:08:18 pm »
Typical , the DVLA want their cake as well as yours , so if you legally  keep your pride & joy classic snugged up safely for the winter under lock & key , you have got to tell them or be fined if you don't .
         I can see the reasoning behind it , preventing all those people who zip around  bashing up other peoples cars ,  without MOT , road tax or insurance , but surely it reasonable as bona fidea collectors /  club members  with other vehicles to drive on a day to day basis with MOTs etc should have an exemption ?

Stuart Cyphus

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Re: Changes to car insurance
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2010, 11:26:07 pm »
 In introducing all this scare-mongering rubbish, the DVLA do themselves no favours in encoraging folk to keep their cars fully "by the book". I predict a lot more cars than before will now simply "vanish", never to be heard of again. 

Rusty Chrome (Malcolm Parker)

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Re: Changes to car insurance
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2010, 04:43:27 pm »
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Bob Purton

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Re: Changes to car insurance
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2010, 05:07:35 pm »
Sounds great on paper but is sure to be another fleecing for motorists some where along the way. Call me cynical!

Bob Purton

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Re: Changes to car insurance
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2010, 05:30:19 pm »
On reflection it would seem that so long as SORN is declared its doesnt apply.

Big Al

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Re: Changes to car insurance
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2010, 06:07:59 pm »
What it actually means is that cars until now kept legally off road untaxed can now be subject to being taken away by the authorities. So folk with minimal storage watch out as the local complainer can get your cars uplifted if they are not registered or insured correctly. Again this is part of the system being imposed to avoid actually running a system where ownership is operated by the State as was the case in the old Council system. The issue is control without responsibility. Root is correct up to a point, cars will vanish but you need them out of sight. If they are on view then they are at risk.
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