Hello again people. Been a while.
Well, this is a pain in the ass. Its typical for me to end up with a lemon, i know, but this little car is a little challenge!
I havn't posted on here for a while, iv been busy with a very rusty VW again (another rare type IV) but im slowly rebuilding the heinkel.
The problem is, i have come to a dead end with trying to find it's past.
-The only info I have is its serial number and it's original registration number. I have the VIN plate and the original number plate, the serial is 1531785, and the number is YLP570
-The DVLA have absolutely nothing on it.
-The Heinkel archives have absolutely nothing on it.
-The UK bubble car museum, the last known owner, claim to know absolutely nothing about it, although they did suggest some dim info on who may have owned it in the past, which ultimately lead to nothing (some guy who builds fridge trucks or something who claims to have only ever had one heinkel, but other people say he restored them badly before and got sued by disgruntled clients or something, i dont remember, i expect its all abit meaningless anyway, wild goose chase).
The only piece of real info that I had on it is a copy of the relevant page of the British number plate index book thing, whatever its called, that showed that that range of numbers was indeed issued in jan 1960 in London.
Of course, the London archives lost all their data, so no possibility there.
Im all out of ideas. Unfortunately, this info simply must be found, and giving up is not an option, so i have to keep digging. But, i don't know where.
It seems that Heinkel Ireland factory records don't survive.
I guess I could look into the possibility of searching any surviving data about Heinkel dealers in the area. Maybe somebody associated with one of them still has some records or something. There couldn't have been all that many Heinkel Irelands sold in London in late 59/early 60. That was the year the Mini came out, which killed bubble cars dead, so i don't suppose sales were that high by then.
Anybody got any bright ideas? Because I am all out!
So, the only thing I really know for sure is that I have a blue 1959 Heinkel Ireland, serial number 1531785, reg number YLP570.