As most of you probably know, I made a website about my Nobel 200 restoration (
http://nobel200.weebly.com/ ) and decided just now to insert a page about other Nobel Lookalike's and models. What I am looking for is pictures of your Nobel Pick-Ups, Nobel 200's, Fuldamobil's, ALta's etc... aznd send me pictures and if possible maybe a short article about how you got it, how long, why you are proud of it etc... It doesnt matter if you send me picture's of somebody else's car, like I will integrate this pic:
http://carphotos.cardomain.com/ride_images/3/2296/3481/30739240436_large.jpg ( lovely car ).
If you would'nt mind helping, could you please send me the pics and other stuff to JonathanLPoll@Gmail.com
Thanks for any help, Jonathan Poll