Author Topic: A nice Nobel story, from a guy 10 mins away from our house!  (Read 5224 times)

Jonathan Poll

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A nice Nobel story, from a guy 10 mins away from our house!
« on: December 15, 2010, 03:59:49 pm »

  Today I baked a cake to say thanks to the lady who gave me the slot car sets. Just before we left, my dad told me that her other half's dad, used to have a Nobel! When we arrived at their house, we ,started talking about Nobels. He said it was blue/white. He also said that he remembers being picked up from school in it, and his dad showing of the 4 reverse gears ( probably ended up bad ;) ) and the best bit: he went to the factory with his dad to see their car being built. I thought no-one knew where the factory was? Seems like a 14 year old kid will be the first BCA ( BubbleCar Anorak ;) ) to know the answer. He said he has a picture of his car too, so I will put it on my site when he finds it.
I am just about to contact Mike Ayriss to let him know.

  I will put it on RUMCars forum when I get it, so the few nobel anoraks ( I think I'm the only one lol ) can nkow.

  - Jonathan -
Cars: Messerschmitt KR200, Nobel 200
- Peugeot BB3SP, BB3T, BB3 "BITZA", BB VT, BB104,  TSA, Bima Luxe,
- Motobecane: 50V, M7 SL, 51 Club, EV50
- Other mopeds: Malaguti Superquattro, Solex 2200, Puch Monza, Puch Maxi

Chris Thomas

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Re: A nice Nobel story, from a guy 10 mins away from our house!
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2010, 05:08:26 pm »
Dear Jonathan

As I understand it the bodies were built in Bristol, the chassis were made in Birmingham at Rubry Owen, and they were assembled in Northern Ireland at Short Brothers/ Harland and wolf and possibly on occassions at Rochester in Kent where Short brothers had a factory. I am assured that they were not assembled in London, but were sold/serviced there. The launch of the first Noble was at a mews garage in a street at the back of Park Lane in the centre of London, and those that attended the event were not very impressed as it had a plywood floor and cable brakes.

It will be interesting to hear if your French Friend can corroborate all or some of this information.

Chris Thomas

Jonathan Poll

  • Jonny One Nob
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Re: A nice Nobel story, from a guy 10 mins away from our house!
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2010, 05:27:54 pm »
Dear Jonathan

As I understand it the bodies were built in Bristol, the chassis were made in Birmingham at Rubry Owen, and they were assembled in Northern Ireland at Short Brothers/ Harland and wolf and possibly on occassions at Rochester in Kent where Short brothers had a factory. I am assured that they were not assembled in London, but were sold/serviced there. The launch of the first Noble was at a mews garage in a street at the back of Park Lane in the centre of London, and those that attended the event were not very impressed as it had a plywood floor and cable brakes.

It will be interesting to hear if your French Friend can corroborate all or some of this information.

Chris Thomas

He is actually english ;)
I didnt know that about the first nobel!
Cars: Messerschmitt KR200, Nobel 200
- Peugeot BB3SP, BB3T, BB3 "BITZA", BB VT, BB104,  TSA, Bima Luxe,
- Motobecane: 50V, M7 SL, 51 Club, EV50
- Other mopeds: Malaguti Superquattro, Solex 2200, Puch Monza, Puch Maxi