Today I baked a cake to say thanks to the lady who gave me the slot car sets. Just before we left, my dad told me that her other half's dad, used to have a Nobel! When we arrived at their house, we ,started talking about Nobels. He said it was blue/white. He also said that he remembers being picked up from school in it, and his dad showing of the 4 reverse gears ( probably ended up bad

) and the best bit: he went to the factory with his dad to see their car being built. I thought no-one knew where the factory was? Seems like a 14 year old kid will be the first BCA ( BubbleCar Anorak

) to know the answer. He said he has a picture of his car too, so I will put it on my site when he finds it.
I am just about to contact Mike Ayriss to let him know.
I will put it on RUMCars forum when I get it, so the few nobel anoraks ( I think I'm the only one lol ) can nkow.
- Jonathan -