I really think TfL missed a trick by not exempting Smart cars, they are popular, safe, ideal for commuting and acceptably stylish. They use up very little parking space, and really are a true modern bubble/micro car, but with modern standards of safety, comfort and performance. If TfL had bothered to notice them and make them exempt I think they would have had a HUGE impact on commuters' cars. As it is London still has an exceptionally high number of huge executive barges and 4 wheel drives visiting every day, and using up a huge amount of road and parking space just for one person and a lap top.
TfL's response to my suggestion of exempting Smart cars "We cannot do that because no-one has asked us to do it and we don't know how to do it because it has never been done before" etc etc etc ad nauseam (see my previous comments about Kei cars)
TfL are claim to be keen on reducing CONGESTION...i.e. more vehicles than road space, so what do they do? Get rid of double decker buses (which take a large number of people around on relatively little road space) and introduce bendy buses which use up more than double the road space. Doh!
TfL are such stupid morons they have even decided it is a good idea to start fitting all traffic lights with shutters in front of them so drivers cannot see what colour the lights are. Next up "Invisible Stripes" on Zebra Crossings so no-one knows where they are?