It;s a dull wet Saturday afternoon & I'm tidying some older bubble photos, gained a couple of years ago when I cleared Rusty Holdsworth out of various bits & bobs. Herein, a trio of alsorted scenes from Burford 1980 to get some of you giggling.
First up, it's early in the day & a Trojan is grabbing the attention. Who's that with his back to us? Why its Big Al of all people. Apparently he's still got that anorak!
Second up, a little later on & here we see the great man himself, Edwin Hammond, poking around a Dutch four-wheeled Heinkel...
And finally, come the end of the day comes prize-giving. Much dodgy clothes on display & some even dodgier people! Not sure who it is winning what, but that's Tony Marshall's shoulder I believe that we're peering over. Meanwhile, over the recipticant's shoulder, the man hiding behind the beard is Andy Carter.
Quick, hide all the Peel's!