Alive and well, but have been having huge battles with computer, BT and bank, as well as being very busy.
Squeak and I have old eMacs whose screens keep cutting out due to failing inverters, an easy but expensive fix. We found some adapters to allow them to work with external monitors. These adapters suit all Macs and PCs. That's what they always tell you, but of course they do not work with eMacs, so we had to get adapter adapters to fit the adapters between Mac and Monitor. They duly arrived and Squeak is now up and running and is sending the other 2 to me to get my Mac back in action, so having to borrow computers as and when possible.
Our phone lines in our yard hang illegally low, are made of wall cable, not aerial cable for hanging from posts, and they rub on 2 rooftops and on the corner of another building. They were like that when we moved in, and although phones were not affected Broadband is MUCH more sensitive to rubbibg and other line problems. Over the last decade 8 engineers have been round, and filed reports saying the lines are illegal, dangerous, incorrect cable which has stretched and frayed and must be replaced urgently. Their reports brought out 4 BT Inspectors who all put in requisitions for immediate work. Finally 2 weeks ago about 12 BT phone and Broadband users in the yard all told BT that we were going to withold payment of all bills until the lines were fixed. It finally happened on Sunday and Monday this week, and by the end of next week my computer should be going again, and our BT Broadband is now back to normal...i.e very slow!
As for Santander....iit starts with their software demanding an "authorised Zip Code and State" for London and from there it goes rapidly downhill into farcical levels of unbelievable uselessness. It automatically changes the spelling and layout of my name, then sends my statements to someone whose name looks like the " auto-Americanised" version of my name, adds my name to someone else's account, sends other things for me to strangers at an address I have never lived at or given, chews up my cash card for no reason, then sends me 3 replacements in a row which do not work, then finally denies that I ever ordered replacement cash cards. You cannot make it up!
I reckon it must be EDS software, which also broke down on the Inland Revenue, Child Support Agency, National Health, Education Department, Home Office, MOD etc etc.
Anyway, hello everyone, hope to be back regularly fairly soon, and hope you are all being good boys and girls and not talking behind my back. And if I return to find you lot have hogged all the Tunnocks in my absence there will be a hissy fit!