Author Topic: Lightburn Zeta Ampol trial rally car discovered in Adelaide trip  (Read 4399 times)


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Lightburn Zeta Ampol trial rally car discovered in Adelaide trip
« on: February 23, 2011, 01:54:46 pm »
Hello from Australia,
exciting news from my January trip to Adelaide for my Daughter's wedding.

I was visiting an old friend while on Holiday recently and he mentioned that he wished to sell his Zeta Runabout which he drove to work for twenty years from  1980 to 2000.

I was surprised to learn that the car was one of the Works rally cars from the 1964 Ampol Reliability Trial, as  you can see on my youtube site robinheath1

What a lovely opportunity to care for and drive a piece of motoring history.

Hope you are all well and busy with cars and hobbies Kind regards Robin Heath