I have seen pics of a Mini-engined TG, a restoration story in a Classics mag 10-15 years ago, but have never heard of a Porsche powered one, would be interested and somewhat horrified to see that!
I guess you dont know, but my dad owns the mini engined tiger

He still has it, but he sold the complete rear end, which was a fibre glass modified boot. Here is a video
http://www.kaapioautoyhdistys.fi/ajokit/tg1000.htmI know that tuned up blue one, its a mod for a video game, my brother has the mod on the game, it replaces the Mclaren F1, so has the same performance!!!
For a video,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fSoaWcOLOsNow, for the weird thing, probably a 3d model, I saw a *nice* concept picture.
Now, for the Porsche engined TG... WOW! I love it! Its good that it has been restored like this! What I dont like about it however, are all of the seems, doesnt seem smooth enough...