Bob the BEAST ,
You've been telling tales again . Had I had the back bit of trim in my Bubble I would have seen it IMMEDIATLY ,
however this was Not to be on this occasion as iffy brakes & an rapid Email to the H.T. club spare chap NICK Haddon
( let it be said that he is a STAR by the way ) & the ensuing work for MOT ( by GOGO also a STAR for putting in the time to rectify the faulty brakes & take Bubbly to MOT ) prevented the signage on the petrol switch
from being put on ; telling me what was on , or off , or reserve.
However , whenever you make a horrible , or daft mistake ... you certainly remember it .. part of a learning curve ..
one that I trust I will NEVER make again . As I shall keel over with embarrassment .
Despite the rain & cold , most of the day we three Brits sat it out til about 3.45pm , packed up , & shot off home.
Certainly it took me all evening to get properly warm . Well despite it being June it felt more like March or April .
Watch out for Mikes numbers car & Bob's Thumper in Classic Car Weekly in one or two weeks time .
Perhaps they will autograph my copy ?
Thanks Chaps for an amusing , & entertaining day . Missed you Marcus & your music , hope to catch up
with you in the week !! Jackie