Ah light relief from collating legal files now it all kicks off just when I was to be away!
Yep the market has softened. What was listed up to £15k is now more likely £12.5k but that flies in the face of what many people wish to see. Investment or purchase, two differing things, but in both cases buying well is an advantage. The eBay experience really tells you the trade values these days as much is sold off site by using eBay as an advertising medium and then there are the classified ads. Those prices tend to be for stronger money but it sifts out the better quality stuff leaving anyone needing to sell with the last minute eBay bidders. There will be many cars sat awaiting a buyer at strong money I think. Only the market can decide if that is a realistic strategy. But in that British market with the export market stronger it is clear what is happening over time. We haemorrhage our best and rarest cars. To an extent they are being replaced but much of the incoming is speculative or cheaper stuff like the French Fridges. I would say a nice Bond offers a good purchase at the moment and they are mostly usable and are no longer the bottom rung of microdom. I cannot see them getting cheaper, whereas overheated cars I can. How about a Velorex, more than adequate performance by Jawa, clearly a micro and so different from anything else. About the same value as a Bond Bug, indeed I would do you a swap!