Chris, sorry for the delay in contributing to this discussion but currently touring Inverness-shire in my Messerschmitt along with several other Microcars and owners, pics next week when I get home and the camera dries out

. No 'show and shine' up here just serious driving in the worst possible weather. Al, you and the BUMS should join us as it your kind of thing and not that far from your Cumbrian Estate.
Having a dedicated Rumcars display is a great idea and if Jeff is in favour then do it. Most of the 'one make' clubs have official representation and Rumcars has certainly in the past. A display of the rare and unusual combined with a 'drop in' gazebo with a few deck chairs would encourage current and potential members to get involved. At the moment I am planning to take my Frisky (and someting else) so count it for the display.
The metal and plastic categories simply give a home to the rarer cars that have no club presence to support them or because there are so few they don't have their own line up. We are hoping that the numbers of Fiats will be up this years so they will have their own line up (as has happened in previous years) and if sufficient numbers arrive then there will be one for 126s and one for 500s. Again if there are sufficient Reliants (Daniel, tell all your contacts that they are welcome) then they too will have their own line up as has happened at Malvern. More recent vehicles such as Smart, Axiam and trikes have their own class called 'Modern'. When Sir Alan (he of Petites) get the AC gathering organised then there will be an AC Petite section as was done last year for the Friskys. Should there be a Gordon or two turn up then they to can have their own line up
Chris you also need to be aware that Rumcars has provided the awards for the best 'Plastic' and 'Metal' for a very long time and this helps get new blood into the club as the award is a years subscription to Rumcar News.