Author Topic: Schmitt Towing Frames  (Read 2646 times)


  • Chatty
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  • Posts: 54
  • Young(ish!!) Micro fan
Schmitt Towing Frames
« on: August 18, 2011, 05:50:17 pm »
Me again, with another schmitt related question..... I wonder if anyone knows of any individual that produces Schmitt towing frames, or where I could get plans to build one?
Late 63' Tiger Nose Schmitt pilot (In need of some TLC) 2004 Smart Roadster wearer (Yes it is a microcar at 698cc!! - Sadly Gone :-( ) Fiat 500 Owner (Tempremental, Poorly Built and with a wiring loom made of chewing gum and Spaghetti!!) and future Isetta or Trojan Owner ( As pocket money permits!!!