Hi, as always good to hear from you. Regarding Bamby I suggested a Bamby effort at the National but was not considered OK for this year. Maybe next??
After the welcome last year with my newly restored schmitt I have vowed never to take it again. I think a cow pat on a stick would have generated more interest and communication. The Isetta row was buzzy with lots of folk all chatting and introducing themselves. Also Frisky corner (no not the ladies sectiopn non pc but don't care.) I have had plenty of time to refect on why do I go?

The local shows are good for a mostly free day out and risking meting the public at large!! the no reverse gear experts -along with May and Clarksole-
The National was good for spares and advice and what is now trendily called networking (used to be meeting ppeople did'nt it?)
Have too many Isetta spares and unless I sort the tiresome schmitt unlikely to need spares. Getting too old for networking/have adequate network already. So guess it is to support something but not sure what.
So reason for taking Cursor is to take a car that can be freely critised, insulted, ridiculed even scorned should anyone wish to speak. Rather than be one of an endless clone row of cars that experts will find fault with (those side windows are .0007 too thick, they did not have such and such as original etc etc etc Whose car is it anyway??
Not a wonder new folk are in short supply. Unles it rains I'll be there on Sunday and if Cursor sells before will bring Bamby