Author Topic: Invalid Carriage Register back in business  (Read 4696 times)

Stuart Cyphus

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Invalid Carriage Register back in business
« on: October 23, 2011, 06:13:04 pm »
 After the recent prolonged absence, I can report that both myself and the ICR will be reopening on Monday 24th October. Hopefully everything which went amiss has now been resolved and I can get back to doing something more intresting. Add to this the fact both my internet & phone had been out of action for the past month, hence some of you may not have been able to get hold of me. I've now signed to a new server for both phone & internet & these channels of communication reopened yesterday. My email is still the same but I have a new phone number which will be released in due course as I get round everyone. Naturally I have a major backlog of ICR & other topics to get back on top of but all those who need replies etc should get them by the end of the coming week. Keep an eye on your emails & phone.

 Right, now where's that Peel......    :)

Rob Dobie

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Re: Invalid Carriage Register back in business
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2011, 06:36:12 pm »
Great to hear mate. Chat to you whenever. Best Wishes. Rob.  ;D
Ain't got nuffink now except memories.


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Re: Invalid Carriage Register back in business
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2011, 06:44:44 pm »
Stuart Cyphus? Who is he? Never heard of him round here.  ;D

Welcome back Stuart, myself and another RUMster were wondering about you only yesterday.

Just remember: as one door closes behind you, another slams in your face