Why the AC badge on a Peel with a Honda motor?
Sure looks different than my Petite's badge. Is it from an AC Invalid Carriage?
Have you run your pretty P50 much yet? What is it like to drive?
The car's a genuine Andy Carter, so the AC badge seemed much more appropriate to me.

Look closely & the automobliests amongst us will see that it's a slightly modified AC Delco badge. It was either that or an AC/DC logo & that might confuse people all the more...

On the same subject, the AC invalid carrages used exactly the same brass-plated badge as the Petite & big cars.
Mine hasn't ran under its own power yet, indeed, the front brakes were only fitted yesterday (Saturday) & there is one final bit of welding to do to finish the steering. The engine, though brand new, seems to have dropped something in the crank or bore, as the engine rotates half a turn forward & half a turn back & encounters an obstruction. Its sat on the bench awaiting botherance to open it up to see what, where & why. The first burst into life may yet be on the lawn at School House Farm....