Author Topic: Frisky electrics  (Read 6988 times)

john p

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Frisky electrics
« on: February 27, 2006, 08:22:51 pm »
I am restoring 1959 Family Three does anyone know where or if i can get my siba dynastart control box repaired it will only start my rebuilt villiers 9E in one direction and does,nt appear to charge, the change over solenoid appears to be working ok.Thirty odd years in a shed have taken theiir toll,also does anyone supply small coils like the siba ones.thanks.

Bob Purton

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Re: Frisky electrics
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2006, 09:19:15 pm »
Hi John. I think the Messerschmitt owners club have the coils and Alan Whitlock is your man for all dynastart related problems. His number is 01256 702606. He does it for a living so you may have to pay for his help but its certainly worth giving him a call. I love friskies, yours isnt the one that came from the graygables garage auction  last year is it? Is it the twin or the 197 single? I hope you get it sorted out John. Best wishes, Bob Purton.

john p

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Re: Frisky electrics thanks for reply Bob
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2006, 08:20:37 pm »
Thank you for that information Bob .My frisky did,nt come from the auction i bought it from a motor cycle dealer near me who took it in  part exchange for a AJS in 1962 i have spoken to the person who traded it in.I aquired it in the mid nineties it is taking ages but i will get there in the end.Several bits had been pilfered off  it and i have gradually been collecting bits together the seat is missing,bench type with a 'bite' out of front corners by wheel arches i will probably have to make one,still i don,t need it yet .The chassis is just about done when i get starting/charging sorted i will start on the body.John Pelling.