So here it is, with me in it. The two tubs behind it have some of the parts. It really is a normal car in minature, designed for children and pedal powered. When complete these have working headlights and horn, and were made in a Welsh factory set up by Austin, and using left-overs from car production. It is as or more substantial as some Micro cars.
The thing is one of our tenants is an antiques restorer (furniture and decorations) and a client of his wants to get this restored and I have been asked to consider the job and provide a quote.
I have been told that the market value is likely to be about £1500 to £2000, out of which the dealer will want his cut.
If I was doing to do this as a hobby things would be hunky-dory, but to do it as a pro job on a fixed budget looks pretty daunting. Most parts can be obtained new as reproductions, and I think it is achievable, but only while my drum work is not too busy, and I worry that I might get bogged down with unforeseen problems and loose momentum.
Does anyone know about these lovely old cars, anticipate any problems or generally have anything to say about taking on such a project?
Basically I think it will need
shot-blasting or chemical stripping
checking/repairing all body work and parts, including some welding and panel beating
filling/surfacing/painting...(someone has stripped off most of the paint with a sanding disc on an angle grinder, leaving the sheet metal scored and marked.
checking servicing repairing/replacing all mechanical components, including roller bearings, brake lining etc.
new battery, lights, horn and wiring
renew upholstery
new tyres, tubes
finally assembly