Dear Rumsters
Jean Hammond tells me that the subscriptions for the 2012 editions of Rumcar News are coming in steadily, but there are still some that seem to be leaving it to the last minute to send in their order.
We are also aware that there are many more members of the Rumcar forum than subscribers to Rumcar News, so it does not take a lot of intelligence to work out that there are a lot of microcar enthusiasts who are not getting their 4 extra injections of Rumcar News a year. I know the forum is free, but what you get in Rumcar news is in far more depth than could be achieved on the forum, and you can hold it in your hands.
For those of you who would like to subscribe, it is very easy, all you need to do is go to the Paypal page on the Rumcar web site and decide which is appropriate for you. Or you could contact Jean Hammond and she can send out a form so you can pay with real money.
I am sure that if you subscribe for one year you will not be disappointed.
I look forward to hearing from Jean, that she has heard from you all.
Chris Thomas
Rumcar News