Don't bother phoning them.
I did on six occasions leaving a message each time with no reply so far..................
At least that is consistent.
You are aware that the museum changed number on moving?
I was also up there in December. It was that MI5 job spying on an unknown master micronaut mover codenamed Squashyhat from some place in Essex. Something about barometric bubblecars to Bahrain and the fear the Taliban will complete these devices and use them to attack unsuspecting campervans in Europe at predetermined altitudes in bad weather when occupancy is at maximum. El Jazera is already echoing the propaganda name of the National rally as being at Great Yarboosucks.
There is still a huge amount of work to be done within the Cooper world. I think they are nuts to want to do it when they could probably take life easy but, like some, I do not think they know how to stop working. Clearly there are projects off site too, don't know what but boats, houses etc,, so a moving target.